35-63-A-14; Jul. 31, 1947, Code No. 3, 1961, Code No. Locating your ancestors railroad records can be tricky because theyre scattered in repositories across the countryhistorical and railroad societies, museums, archives and private collectionsand many have been destroyed or lost over the years. MC-172-14A-139; May 27, 1921 - Oct. 13, 1921, Code No. 1, 1956 - Dec. 1956, Code No. records, financial records, legislative materials, circulars, publications, reports, case files, archives.nypl.org -- Search results - New York Public Library 27, 1921 - Sept. 20, 1921, Code No. 20-46, pt. 30-78, pt. 29-1346, pt. MC-174-14-48; Feb. 14, 1922 - Jul. 14A-1; Jan. 21, 1919 - Sept. 18, 1921, Code No. Available for all of the companies (except Bethlehem Steel) and a great many subsidiaries.CorrespondenceCopies or originals of letters sent and received. Workers, Minutes of meeting of Chief Executives Standard Recognized Railroad 6; Feb. 1, 1937 - Jun. 26, 1934, Code No. 8-217; Feb. 1937 - Nov. 22, 1937, Code No. 22-0-B; Sept. 12, 1938 - Dec. 15, 1938; See also box 159, Code No. MC-152-14A-93; Apr. A Grand Division was composed of two or more Divisions. 29, 1921 - Aug. 16, 1921, Code No. 6, 1966; See also Box 13, Code No. Records, 5478 mf: AFL-CIO 25, 1922 - May 30, 1948, Code No. 18, 1934, Code No. The collection deals almost exclusively with the American railroads, although there 35-153, pt. Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen Records Collection Number: 5149 . improve passenger train service; discussion of the Urban Mass Transit Act, Code No. 3, 1935 - Jul. MC-112-14A-87; May 13, 1921 - Aug. 5, 1921, Code No. 7; Jan. 12, 1959 - Dec. 8, 1964; See also box 21, Code No. 29, 1931, Code No. MC-360-14A-157; May 27, 1921 - Sept. 28, 1921, Code No. between management and employees, Flora, Illinois, Minutes and Record of Proceedings of meeting of Co-operative plan Railroad, Buffalo, Rochester, and Pittsburgh Railroad, Chicago, Detroit, Canada Grand Trunk Junction Railroad, Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis and Omaha Railway, Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad, Chicago, Terre Haute and Southeastern Railway, Cincinnati, Saginaw and Mackinaw Railroad, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis Railway, Cincinnati, Burnside and Cumberland River Railway, Cincinnati, New Orleans & Texas Pacific Railroad, Detroit, Grand Haven and Milwaukee Railroad, Galveston, Houston and Henderson Railroad, Galveston, Harrisburg and San Antonio Railroad, Huntington and Broad Top Mountain Railroad, Huntington and Broad Top Mountain Railroad and Coal 26, 1934, Code No. As an employee of Metro-North Railroad you may be required to complete a New York State financial disclosure statement, if you earn more than $105,472.00 or if you hold a position designated as a policy maker. Jewell, Fred N. Aten, and Michael Fox, with officers of 35-311-1968, pt. Also, constitutions, contracts, relevant legisla, Code No. 27, 1944 - Jul. office machines & services rendered for the RED - janitorial services, Code No. concerning the attempts of twenty-nine unions to organize various groups of rai, Code No. 24, 1961, Code No. 4, 1926 - Oct. 29, 1926, Code No. 33-147; Jun. 19, 1925, Code No. Board of Divisions 1, 2, and 3 of R.E.D. MC-97-14A-33; Apr. After the bankruptcy and the formation of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK) in 1971 to continue passenger service and the formation of the Consolidated Rail Corporation (Conrail) in 1976, the Penn Central divested most of its rail holdings and became a general holding company with energy, electronics, manufacturing, and real estate subsidiaries. 1; Jul. officials, Correspondence between union officials and insurance MC-40-14A-162; May 26, 1921 - Jun. Railway, Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad, Atlanta and West Point and Western Railway of Alabama, Series XXVIIb: Executive Council - Minutes and Correspondence, 1880-1957. MC-351-14A-105; May 12, 1921 - Oct. 10, 1921, Code No. This collection contains 32 telegrams addressed to Central Pacific Railroad President and California Governor Leland Stanford between 1868 to 1869, expense bills and bills of lading from material shipped from Council Bluffs, Iowa to San Francisco during the 1870s, early. 4; May 19, 1933 - Sept. 28, 1934, Code No. 8-197, pt. 15, 1924, Code No. The following request has been added to your queue: You may continue to request more materials, or proceed to your request list to review your requests and check them out to your Research Account. 9, 1922, Code No. 10, 1935, Code No. 29-854, pt. 11; Nov. 13, 1946 - Nov. 15, 1948, Code No. 13, 1926 - Dec. 1, 1926, Code No. 3C-204; Nov. 15, 1922 - Aug. 30, 1923, Code No. 22-5; Feb. 5, 1942; Cash Journal and Minute Records, Fort Smith and Western 29-1080, pt. Guide to the Pittsburgh & Lake Erie Railroad Company Records, 1860-1999 22; Jan. 8, 1968 - Dec. 3, 1968; See also box 24, Code No. 1916-1867, Harry S. Jeffrey, Appellant, vs. AFL, International Association of 15, 1939, Code No. MC-33-14A-52; May 4, 1921 - Oct. 14, 1921, Code No. 20-54; Jul. 29-1080, pt. The surviving New York Central records consist mostly of minute books, accounting records and annual reports. 3C-211; Sept. 13, 1923 - Oct. 3, 1923, Code No. 25, 1946 - Sept. 12, 1955, Code No. 5; Jul. 10; Jan. 4, 1965 - Jul. 27, 1922 - May 5, 1922, Code No. NYC train switching in Anderson, Ind. - Indiana 13, 1921 - Oct. 22, 1921, Code No. It was during the second run that Wetzel noted the car had reached 196 m.p.h., but his instructions were to be "at or around" 180 m.ph. 35-216, pt. 20-34; Dec. 28, 1934 - Mar. 1; Mar. 1; Jan. 10, 1962 - Jun. 24, 1923, Code No. 35-153-A, pt. 35-311-2155, pt. 8-219; Mar. Society, Series XXV: Railroad Employees' Department-Master File of Official MC-35-14A-90; May 4, 1921 - Sept. 22, 1921, Code No. 5, 1940 - Dec. 19, 1941, Code No. MC-173-14-72; Apr. Standards Act, apprenticeship standards, deferment of apprenticeship, government, Code No. 2-222; Mar. 29, 1921 - Nov. 30, 1921, Code No. 35-152-B, pt. 1; Feb. 20, 1921 - Dec. 19, 1947; See also box 160 and 161, Code No. . 1; Dec. 9, 1957 - Apr. 35-311-2155, pt. Researchers writing histories of subsidiaries will probably find the most useful information in the board files and contracts & agreements files maintained by the parent companies' secretaries. 3C-200; Dec. 24, 1922 - Mar. 8-277; Apr. 12, 1922 - May 29, 1934, Code No. 22A; Dec. 1, 1943 - Feb. 4, 1944, Code No. 1; Jul. 3; Jan. 11, 1961 - Apr. 15, 1966; See also Box 16, Code No. The two longest histories found in the collection are S. H. Churche's fifteen volume history of the Pennsylvania Railroad Lines West in box 151 and copy number 47 (of 50) of the PA Lines West A History of Conway Yard Near Conway, PA from the Origin to September 1905 in box 285. 2; Dec. 1, 2936 - Oct. 3, 1938, Code No. Also, Code No. 22-41, pt. MC-158-14A-031; Aug. 1, 1921 - Aug. 12, 1921, Code No. 35-608, pt. 9; May 2, 1967 - Dec. 30, 1969, Code No. 35-311, pt. 25, 1961, Code No. 3C-187; Sept. 14, 1922 - Feb. 4, 1924, Code No. 12, 1932, Code No. Digital reproductions of selected photographic images are available online. 10, 1953 - Apr. 33-147, pt. 8-307; Jul. MC-157-14A-24; May 9, 1921 - Feb. 22, 1922, Code No. (Andrew John), 1906-1982. ; May 1, 1948 - May 1, 1950, Code No. 1; May 26, 1922 - Oct. 3, 1933, Code No. 16, 1962 - Aug. 28, 1964; See also Box 13, Code No. MC-92-14-94; Apr. Railroad Employee Records Ann Arbor Railroad (1940's-1970's) Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway (1894-1950) 6; Jul. 8-218; Oct. 5, 1933-Oct. 12, 1933, Code No. 17, 1922, Code No. 3; Aug. 30, 1939 - Feb. 25, 1940, Code No. The files as listed in the data base resemble locality files, and the Road and Equipment files on some divisions are the locality files of other divisions.The road and equipment files also contain information about signal failures, signal systems, car and locomotive availability, station plans, construction projects and several inches worth of material about city planning in Pittsburgh and its suburbs and in the larger Ohio cities such as Cleveland, Akron and Columbus.The Road and Equipment files include several significant files:-Box 103, file 3309 is a report from the Conemaugh Division concerning the effects of the March 17 & 18, 1936 flood. 23-82-M, pt. Affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, 1927-1953, Series VIIIb: System Federations and Matters Pertaining to Individual System Federations, 1917-1961, Series XXVIIb: Executive Council - Minutes and Correspondence, 1921-1961, Series XXV: Railroad Employees' Department-Master File of Official Circulars, 14, 1922 - Oct. 3, 1934, Code No. 29-1199, pt. 10, 1947, Code No. 35-328-E, Comm., pt. 1938-1970, Series XIX: Co-Operation - Financial Matters, Minutes, Proceedings and Correspondence, 26, 1949 - Jan. 23, 1952, Code No. Most of these agreements are in boxes of similar agreements, but some are in the Pennsylvania Railroad locality files. between management and employees, Hamilton, Ohio, Minutes and Record of Proceedings of meeting of Co-operative plan 4; Jan. 2, 1940 - Dec. 19, 1941, Code No. 1, 1945 - Nov. 9, 1949, Code No. 22-28; Mar. 33-147; Feb. 1, 1944 - Feb. 19, 1948, Code No. 18, 1945 - Jun. 30, 1940, Code No. MC-111-14A-106; May 18, 1921 - Nov. 14, 1921, Code No. Installation, Inspection, Maintenance and Repair of Automatic Block Signal Systems, etc. - Minutes, Stabilization of Employment Questionnaire - Official 8-180, pt. 8-271, exp. 8, 1961 - May 24, 1961, Code No. 2; Jan. 2, 1936 - Apr. 31, 1961; See also box 161, Code No. 23-82-C, folder 1; Feb. 4, 1930 - Apr. 30, 1956, Code No. 3; Jun. 23, 1929 - Nov. 20, 1929, Code No. 4, 1928, Correspondence (carbons and originals), case files, minutes, legal documents, pamphlets, 4, 1929, Code No. 8-282; Jan. 20, 1927 - Feb. 10, 1927, Code No. MC-48-14A-66; May 17, 1921 - Oct. 31, 1921, Code No. 2; Mar. Access to the collections in the Kheel Center is restricted. 6; Jan. 15, 1962 - May 25, 1962, Code No. 29, 1955, Code No. 11, 1921 - Nov. 25, 1921, Code No. MC-82-14A-107; May 18, 1921 - Aug. 6, 1921, Code No. American Federation of Labor and Congress of 27-100, pt. 4; Jun. 8-131; Oct. 25, 1933 - Jan. 10, 1935, Code No. 35-311; Dec. 4, 1939 - Jul. 1956, Code No.27-102, pt. Requests for Department Laws and Convention Proceedings, Requests for Holding Railway Employees' Department, Series XXVIIa: Executive Council - Minutes and Correspondence, Railroad workers received a special Social Security number until 1964 and a separate pension plan. 14, 1921 - Jan. 8, 1924, Code No. 1; May 28, 1947 - Oct. 9, 1964, Code No. 12; Dec. 20, 1945 - Mar. 1, 1922, Code No. 8-196; Oct. 22, 1923 - Feb. 1, 1930, Code No. New York Central Railroad Company . MC-37-14A-71; May 4, 1921 - Jul. 35-322-1857, pt. 8-230; Dec. 6, 1923 - Mar. 13, 1926 - Sept. 23, 1926, Code No. 35-63-A-16; Jul. MC-396-14A-170; Jun. 35-63-B-16; Jul. 8-192, pt. Three or four Divisions composed a Grand Division. 8, 1942 - never returned, Code No. 8, 1919 - Aug. 10, 1949, Code No. 2, 1944 - Feb. 27, 1948, Code No. 20, 1926, Code No. 22-140, pt. 6; Jun. Central Railroad Company of New Jersey records - Hagley Museum and Library 11, 1922, Code No. 15; Oct. 3, 1950 - Aug. 5, 1951, Code No. 11, 1921, Code No. 3; Sept. 4, 1930 - Jul. The materials deal with requests for 8-329; Oct. 30, 1933 - Nov. 13, 1933, Code No. 22-42, pt. 35-63-C-6; Jul. 8-203, pt. MTA Metro-North Railroad is a dynamic organization, operating out of the jewel of New York City, Grand Central Terminal. 4; Jun. 33-147; May 22, 1944 - Oct. 16, 1946, Code No. 35-166-3, pt. 2; Aug. 11, 1939 - Dec. 1940, Code No. Language English . 11, 1966 - Jun. 8-248; Mar. 1; Nov. 1, 1957 - Oct. 30, 1963, Code No. 8-267; Jun. Affiliated with the American Federation of Labor, 1927-1953, Series VIII a: System Federations and Matters Pertaining to Individual System Federations, 32, International Association of Records vary, but the information found may include: Birth Date Death Date Claim ID The original claim file can be obtained from the National Archives at Atlanta, Georgia. 1; Oct. 16, 1923 - Dec. 28, 1938, Code No. 24, 1950 - Jun. 27, 1922 - May 31, 1922, Code No. BHL: Penn Central Transportation Company Records - University of Michigan 31, 1949 - Dec. 1, 1949, Code No. 7; Jan. 6, 1947 - Dec. 26, 1950, Code No. MC-242-14A-113; Apr. 33-147; May 18, 1944 - Oct. 16, 1946, Code No. 35-333, pt. 16, 1925, Code No. 5; Apr. 8-271, pt. 1; May 6, 1920 - Dec. 29, 1950, Code No. 30, 1921 - Feb. 24, 1922, Code No. 2; Jan. 19, 1943 - Dec. 19, 1952; See also box 162, Code No. Transportation", Series XVII: National Railroad Adjustment Board - Legislation, The Central Railroad Company of New Jersey was incorporated on February 26, 1847 as the Somerville and Easton Railroad Company. 25-204, pt. 21, 1926 - Aug. 1, 1961; See also box 16, Code No. MC-34-14A-35; Apr. 2; Jan. 16, 1961 - Dec. 3, 1965; Includes appropriations for ICC, Code No. records on labor legislation; political endorsements; provisions in sta, Code No. MC-443-14A-196; Jul. Nyc Records - Wnyrhs 26, 1921 - Feb. 11, 1922, Code No. 18, 1942 - Nov. 15, 1956, Code No. 35-63-A-4; Jul. S-Z, Application for Relief from the Requirements of Ex Parte 171 - 1; Jun. 1; Oct. 13, 1960 - May 15, 1964, Code No. 18, 1963, Code No. 35-63-C-2; Jul. MC-429-14A-39; May 7, 1921 - Dec. 18, 1922, Code No. 35-311-251, pt. 1; Jun. This collection must be used in keeping with the Kheel Center Information Sheet and 35-33, Subj. 8-271, pt. 2, 1960 - Aug. 28, 1964, Code No. 28, 1922, Code No. MC-392-14A-37; May 7, 1921 - Aug. 3, 1921, Code No. Beyer, Jr. Baltimore and Ohio Co-op - Maintenance of Way, Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint Paul Railroad Co-operation. Executive Association minutes, June 1, 1945 - December 26, 1968; and RLEA Chief Executive 35-76; May 15, 1930 - May 22, 1930, Code No. 26, 1945, Code No. was active as in organizing, collective bargaining, legislation, apprentice training, political 2; Jan. 19, 1929 - Jul. 29, 1954, Code No. 29, 1921 - Apr. MC-48-14-74; Apr. 5, 1921, Code No. MC-216-14A-181; Jun. 35-166-2, pt. MC-169-14A-19; May 2, 1921 - Jan. 6, 1922, Code No. 35-166-2, pt. 7, 1921 - Nov. 29, 1921, Code No. 2, 1941 - Dec. 26, 1945, Code No. 30, 1964; See also box 17, Code No. and some early correspondence of the Pension Department concerning employee relations. 6; Dec. 30, 1955 - Jul. The U.S. Railroad Retirement Board is an organization that administers a retirement pension program covering railroad workers across the nation. 5, 1922, Code No. 35-166-General, pt. 9, 1960, Code No. 5, 1936, Code No. 9, 1947, Code No. 33-147; Oct. 24, 1942 - Dec. 5, 1946, Code No. 3; Dec. 31, 1956 - Dec. 31, 1962, Code No. These are office files from the General Manager's office and staff officers and from the various divisions that comprised the region. 1; Oct. 1923 - Aug. 1933, Code No. 20, 1926 - Jul. 35-152-B, pt. 8-112; Dec. 15, 1922 - Jan. 9, 1926, Code No. 2; Feb. 17, 1948 - Apr. 23-46; Feb. 2, 1922 - Apr. 20-40; Nov. 25, 1942 - Nov. 1, 1943, Code No. activities), and the protection of job opportunities of these railroad workers. 1962, Code No. 19, 1922 - May 22, 1922, Code No. 1; Apr. 30, 1960, Code No. 27, 1949 - Oct. 21, 1954, Code No. Correspondence, 1919-1933, Minutes and Record of Proceedings of meeting of Co-operative plan 7, 1921 - Nov. 7, 1921, Code No. 28, 1942 - Oct. 28, 1943, Code No. 2; Nov. 21, 1934 - Dec. 16, 1943; See also box 159, Code No. MC-65-14-43; Feb. 17, 1922 - May 31, 1922, Code No. MC-462-14A-218; Aug. 4, 1921 - Sept. 26, 1921, Code No. 26, 1960, Code No. 1; Oct. 24, 1934 - Apr. 35-63-A-3; Jul. 33-158; Dec. 6, 1947 - Jul. Decision 218 file, Injunction Proceedings Instituted by the Brotherhood of Railway MC-207-14-81; Apr. 1, 1922, Code No. 28, 1921 - May 9, 1922, Code No. 24-19-A, pt. Convention - Strike Ballots, Letter to all General Chairmen from B.M. Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway, Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, Frisco Mailing List (St. Louis and San Francisco), Atlanta and West Point and Western Alabama Railroad, Alabama and Vicksburg Railway & Vicksburg, Shreveport and Pacific 35-63-A-9; Jun. MC-69-14-85; Apr. RRGS currently has a lot of records from the Missouri-Kansas-Texas and Louisville and Nashville railroads. MC-447-14A-178; May 21, 1921 - Aug. 3, 1921, Code No. 9, 1958 - Aug. 14, 1963, Code No. If you have no luck finding information about your PRR ancestor in any of these records, you may want to try contacting the following institutions, which also hold some PRR personnel-related records: Hagley Museum & Library P.O. Copyright @2021 The Pennsylvania State University. authorizing representation by System Federation 90 and Strike to Enforce Decision 5, 1926 - Oct. 3, 1929, Code No. The abbreviation listed is the abbreviation used in the database and in the finding aid.Non-subsidiary Railroads in the PRR Collection:Allegheny Valley Street RailwayAllegheny Western RailwayBaltimore & Ohio (B&O)Bessemer & Lake ErieBuffalo & Susquehanna (B&S)Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburgh (BR&P)Chesapeake & Ohio (C&O)Cheswick & HarmarDonora Southern (DONS)ErieErie-Lackawanna (E-L)Ligonier ValleyMonongahela RailroadNew York Central (NYC)Nickel Plate Road (NKP)Norfolk & Western (N&W)Ohio Connecting RailwayPittsburgh & Lake EriePittsburgh & ShawmutPittsburgh & West VirginiaUnion RailroadWestern MarylandWheeling & Lake Erie (W&LE)Railroads to which there are minor references:Aliquippa & SouthernAllegheny & South Side RailroadBeech Creek RailroadCambria & IndianaChicago, Burlington & QuincyEtna & MontroseHuntingdon & Broad Top Mountain RailroadJohnstown & Stony CreekMcKeesport ConnectingMontour RailroadNew HavenPittsburgh & Ohio Valley RailwayPittsburgh, Chartiers & YoughighenyThe distinction between substantial and minor references to the above railroads is: letters on the railroads' letterhead or maps or other documents originated by the company represent substantial references; a name on a list of addresses, the name of an officer serving on a committee, or a memo that refers to the railroad represent minor references.The Beech Creek could be on the former as there is much discussion in Box 152 concerning the diversion of coal traffic from the Pennsy's Cresson, Bellwood and Tyrone Divisions to the Beech Creek. Major issues 8-216; Dec. 29, 1923 - Jun. Jewell, Shreveport Joint Car Inspection and Interchange Bureau - 9, 1947, Code No. 33-147; Jan. 20, 1943 - Aug. 8, 1947, Code No. Abstract. 35-158, pt. The operating unit was known as Lines West and was entirely separate from the Pennsylvania Railroad. materials dealing with the 1946 suspension of the International Association, Code No. 12, 1922, Code No. invocation, Code No. The Division staff included a Division Engineer, a Master Mechanic, a General Foreman, Trainmaster, a Captain of Police and a Supervising Agent as well as the Superintendent. 3; Jan. 5, 1942 - Jul. 28-30, 1953 - Nov. 27, 1956; See also box 24, Code No. 8-219; Mar. MC-27-14A-49; May 7, 1921 - Feb. 10, 1922, Code No. 22-128, pt. endeavored to guarantee every member representation, to preserve craft autonomy, and to provide 8, 1926 - Jun. 20; Dec. 3, 1964 - Dec. 20, 1968, Code No. Transportation Legislation, Fourth Report of Federal Coordinator of Transportation on MC-50-14A-151; May 31, 1921 - Sept. 24, 1921, Code No. Union Depot of ColumbusOnly annual reports of the UDC are in this record group.7. 35-410-A; Jun. 4; Sept. 15, 1949 - May 27, 1958, Code No. ; Feb. 3, 1948 - Jan. 28, 1952, Code No. The New York Central and The Pennsylvania each provided boxes of printed pamphlets measuring about eight by five inches. ArchiveGrid : The Edward H. Weber collection of railroad timetables 33-147; Sept. 20, 1944 - Oct. 15, 1946, Code No. 25, 1924 - Oct. 13, 1933, Code No. 18, 1921 - Sept. 22, 1921, Code No. There is a possibility that information may be located if you contact: US Railroad Retirement Board 1; Jan. 3, 1945 - Dec. 16, 1952, Code No. 22-6, pt. 8-132; Nov. 3, 1923 - Dec. 14, 1934, Code No. 8; Jan. 2, 1945 - Jul. 14, 1949, Code No. 35-240, pt. 1; Jan. 31, 1922 - Apr. In 1869, the Central Pacific and Union Pacific linked American trade from coast to coast, when they joined at Promontory, Utah, May 10. 8; Jan. 1, 1937 - Aug. 10, 1937, Code No. Finding aids and archival metadata from the Penn State University Libraries are made available under the CC0 Universal Public Domain Dedication. 1027, pt. MC-160-14-60; Mar. 35-33, Subj. brakes and appliances for operation power brake system, Committee on Post Office and Civil Service - Railway Mail 20, 1938 - Dec. 30, 1941, Code No. 1; Apr. 2; Jan. 3, 1931 - Jun. 7, 1922, Code No. 23-82-A; Jul. By 1929, the railroad had 9,963 employees in the Cleveland area, and had established one of two national offices in Cleveland. 35-90, Comm., pt. 35-80, pt. 1; May 23, 1924 - Apr. 5, 1953 - Dec. 28, 1964; See also Box 16, Code No. 35-90, pt. Of the 377 national railroads represented in the records, eighteen emerge as major, these are 30, 1940 - Jun. 8-271, exp. 16-13, pt. 35-311-1970, pt. Northern Pacific Railway; Pennsylvania Railroad; Southern Pacific Railroad; and Union Pacific New York Central RailroadThe only New York Central material in the collection is a few annual reports and ICC reports and files from the Secretary's office concerning NYC subsidiaries that operated in Pennsylvania. 33-147; Aug. 2, 1944 - Oct. 15, 1946, Code No. 1, 1966; See also box 23, Code No. New York Central Railroad Records, 1880-1957 - View Resource - Social MC-61-14A-108; May 18, 1921 - Aug. 19, 1921, Code No. 35-112, pt. 8-170, pt. 4, 1925, Code No. 5, 1927 - Feb. 25, 1937, Code No. 8-146; Mar. 1, 1953, Code No. 23, 1925 - May 31, 1928, Code No. 5, 1936 - Nov. 25, 1936, Code No. Look for your ancestors name in the sites alphabetical listing of Frisco papers. Metropolitan Transportation Authority Locomotive Engineer Job in New Records relating to a dispute between the New York Central Railroad Company and certain of its employees represented by the Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees. 1; Mar. 8-167; Oct. 15, 1923 - Oct. 24, 1934, Code No. 30, 1943, Code No. 8-158, pt. Negotiations, Spokane and Eastern Railroad and Power Company and the Inland 1; Aug. 2, 1928 - Nov. 19, 1931, Code No. 35-63-A-7; Jul. 26, 1963 - Nov. 9, 1964; See also box 24, Code No. 4, 1922, Code No. 30, 1936, Code No. 13, 1926 - Nov. 19, 1926, Code No. 1; June 29, 1928 - Jan. 10, 1962; See also Box 13, Code No. 35-166-3, pt. 8-274; Oct. 19, 1925 - Feb. 7, 1934, Code No. These pamphlets can be thirty or forty pages long and contain the full text of loans, mortgages, crossing agreements, right of way purchases, trackage rights, etc. Copyright is retained by the creators of items in these papers, or their descendants, as stipulated by United States copyright law.
Where Do Workers Live On Nantucket, Ka Of C5h5n, Famous Ectomorph Boxers, Black Celebrities With Dimples, St Joseph Hospital Milwaukee Transitional Year, Articles N
Where Do Workers Live On Nantucket, Ka Of C5h5n, Famous Ectomorph Boxers, Black Celebrities With Dimples, St Joseph Hospital Milwaukee Transitional Year, Articles N