The Easy Set pools are incredible easy to assemble, easy to maintain, and fun to own. if(openMenuItem.level0 === false) { On the upper end of the Intex range,the Ultra XTR Frame poolsstart at around $500 for the smallest size and go up to about $1500 for the largest pool system. 2 reviews. Forudbestilling gr det muligt for dig at bestille et produkt let og uden stress. In order to keep your pool water clean and safe, you will need touse the proper chemicals in your water. openMenuItem.level0 = '30125'; Intex Pools, Filters, Floats and Accessory - In The Swim In this pool you can swim, play games and have fun with friends at a foam party. Vi bruger cookies for at tilpasse indhold og annoncer til dig og for at analysere vores trafik. Vi vil frst levere hele din ordre, nr alle varerne er tilgngelig. Perfekt til spontane overnatninger. INTEX Above Ground Swimming Pools - The round style makes it a fantastic option that you can use with pools. The unit is also available in other sizes to get what will suit the pool size. 18 produkter. The end caps are much more sturdy, and not easy to melt or crack. 1,615 - 3,200. Make a splash all summer long with the Intex Easy Set inflatable pool that is easy to set up and store. It also comes with a water sprayer, which can be attached to a garden hose, for extra wet fun. " Many owners report even the inflatable pools can last 4-5 seasons with proper care and maintenance. Men hvad er bedst at spise for at kunne slappe af p vandet! Free shipping. For soft, clean, and comfy pool waters, this unit can forever cause you to smile not like others, the pump is created of rigid material that extends its years of service. P den oppustelige musling, kan du ligge behageligt og slappe af, mens du nyder varmen. It also comes in three size options so you can select the one that works best for your backyard space. The size of this pool is also optimal for any yard. Intex har i over 40 r produceret bassiner, oppusteligt legetj, badelegetj og svmmeudstyr af hj kvalitet. G til bedste pris 1.069 kr. Available in multiple sizes and fun colors. openMenuItem.level0 = '30509'; Den oppustelige, stofbekldte ring er designet til holdbarhed og bekvemmelighed, samtidig med at den holder dig flydende. openMenuItem.level0 = '30511'; Den er perfekt til en tur i poolen, En pool eller strandtur er ikke fuldendt uden den helt perfekte luftmadras. Udfyld nedenstende formular for at modtage en mail, nr det nskede antal er p lager igen. level3Header =; luftmadras pool bilka Weve even seen some very unique setups with Intex pools! >, { Denne Intex luftmadras 58836EU med netbund er ideel til afslapning i svmmebassinet. } Madrassen er let at puste op og tmme for luft, manuelt. Nyd sommeres varme og solens strler p vandet med denne luftmadras, der er formet som en havfruehale. " 10%. Der medflger en reparationslap i pakken. Fra oppustelige dyr til oppustelige pools og pumper: Intex tilbyder alt hvad du behver for ultimativ svmning. " name: 'Gulve & fliser', Du kan benytte vores hjlpecenter for at f svar p de fleste sprgsml, eller for at f personlig assistance. hoveredMenuItem.level1 = false; Luftmadras til voksne Maksimal belastning: 200 kg Ml, oppustet: 183 cm i diameter, 23 cm hj Pakkens ml: 30 x 35 x 11 cm Vgt: 3,4 kg Materiale: PVC Model: Intex Juicy Watermelon Island 56283EP Bemrk at pumpe ikke medflger, men kan kbes her p siden Anmeldelser Ingen anmeldelser endnu Intex Inflatables inkluderer et stort udvalg af luftmadrasser, bademadrasser og endda campingudstyr. Denvilgre strandudflugten eller en dag i poolenekstra sjov p varme sommerdage. }); Drowning is quick, it is silent, and it is also preventable. >, { navigationOpen = true; The top-selling product within Intex Above Ground Pools is the Intex 32 ft. x 16 ft. x 52 in. Her fr du denne super sjove og smarte luftmadras fra . Intex swimming pool review: Should you buy one? - USA TODAY setActiveCategory(1, { The "classic" backyard line of pools. product_listing_buyable, Intex - Dobbelt Luftmadras I Slidstrkt Vinyl - Bl, Intex - Bamse Luftmadras Til Brn - Beige, Intex - Prestige Downy Luftmadras - 99 X 191 X 25 Cm, Intex - Luftmadras - Jr. Prestige Downy - 76 X 191 X 25 Cm, Intex - Luftmadras Til Pool - Musling - Regnbuefarvet, Intex - Luftmadras Til Camping - 72 X 189 X 20 Cm, Intex - Luftmadras Til Camping - 127 X 193 X 24 Cm, Intex - Classic Downy Luftmadras - 99 X 191 X 25 Cm, Intex - Classic Downy Luftmadras - 152 X 203 X 25 Cm, Intex - Prestige Downy Luftmadras - 137 X 191 X 25 Cm, Intex - Prestige Downy Luftmadras - 152 X 203 X 25 Cm, Intex - Classic Downy Luftmadras - 183 X 203 X 25 Cm, Intex - Luftmadras Til Pool - Havfrue - Multifarvet, Intex - Luftmadras Til Pool - Regnbue - 180 X 86, Intex - Luftmadras I Slidstrkt Vinyl - Bl, Intex - Luftmadras Til Pool - Englevinger, FREMRAGENDE" p Trustpilot - 54.853 anmeldelser. hoveredMenuItem.level0 = '30511'; Er produktet ikke p lager og har du g glip af mulighed for at kbe det? }); Of all the models we analyzed and tested, this one turned out to be the best in all characteristics. The pool has a floor cloth that will prevent the users from slipping off the ground. >, { }); For forudbestillinger vil du have prioritet for at modtage produktet, nr det er kommet p lager. Denne luftmadras forestiller en gte og sd slikkepind. Vil du opdage alle vores kampagner p forhnd? En elektrisk pumpe fylder hurtigt din luftmadras op med luft, men den kan stje ret meget. id: 30515, Spred dine vinger udmeddenneluftmadrasfra Intex, der er formet sometpar farverigeenglevinger. . @mouseenter.debounce.310ms=" hoveredMenuItem.level1 = false; {isAllStoresHidden()},100); Med en luftmadras kan du gre det uden problemer.Luftmadrassen leveres med armln og en kopholder til maksimal afslapning! id: 30521, Shop Intex inflatable pool mats and lounges. P lager. og op til 50 % for ordrer over XXXX kr. Krystal Clear Pump Intex 28635EG. @mouseleave="clearTimeout(timeout);" Leveringsdatoen er et estimat og kan variere i tilflde af uforudsete omstndigheder. @mouseenter.debounce.310ms=" open = true; url: '' >, { Intex 28003E Deluxe Pool Maintenance Kit for Above Ground Pools } @mouseenter.debounce.310ms=" } Hvornr bliver betalingen for en forudbestilling opkrvet? name: 'Vrktj & vrksted', name: 'Maling & tapet', >, { En pool eller strandtur er ikke fuldendt uden den helt perfekte luftmadras. name: 'Haven', Shop Now Featured Products navigationOpen = true; " Intex 15ft x 48in Metal Frame Above-Ground Swimming Pool and Maintenance Kit . Intex Ultra Frame Pools - name: 'Restsalg', Vrdien mles mellem 1 og 10 jo hjere vrdi, jo hjere isoleringsevne. Den er super Lad dig afkle, p de varme sommerdage, i selskab med de kendte figurer fra Disneys Frost. url: '' Det er vigtigt, at luftmadrassen bde er komfortabel og nem at bruge. Was: Free shipping. Intex luftmadrasP ekstra solrige dage er det dejligt at vre i vandet eller ved vandet. Intex luftmadras med netbund til pool 90809 - Der er intet BAUHAUS varehus i dit postnummer. Netbunden holder dig klig, mens du slapper af p vandet. >. id: 4317, }); Moreover, it also has rustproof galvanized steel frames, which offer amazing stability. Intex Supreme Air Flow 203x152 Built with solid, easy to assembled frames. For jeblikkelig hjlp anbefaler vi at du benytter vores chat funktion. Yes. Its depth is 52 inches, and its length and width are 32 feet by 16 feet, respectively. Intex : Swimming Pools : Target 100% Ok , Brede 152 lngde 203 hjde 46 9400Nrresundby man. url: '' Dimensions: 98 x 75 x 43 inches | Shape: Rectangular | Water Capacity: 72 gallons | Frame: Vinyl | Set-Up Time: 10 to 30 minutes The Best Pool Toys for Hours of Fun in the Sun Best Slide Costzon Inflatable Mighty Bounce House Jumper with Water Slide Courtesy of Amazon View On Amazon View On What We Like Great for block parties >, { TheEasy Set pool(which is the most affordable) starts at under $50 for the smallest sizes and up to $300 for the larger sizes. }); Many are familiar with this manufacturer. 300,00 kr. if(openMenuItem.level0 === false) { @mouseleave="clearTimeout(timeout);" },300) har optjent en saldo p XXXX kr., og dit nste kb er p i alt XXXX kr., s vil 50 % af vrdien af din kurv (XXXX kr. Beskrivelse Anmeldelser (0) Beskrivelse. }); setActiveCategory(1, { Intex - Luftmadras Til Pool - Englevinger - Smartguiden The "classic" backyard line of pools. } } url: '' setActiveCategory(1, { }); I dette tilflde anbefaler vi dig, at lave to separate ordre: en for de varer der er tilgngelige lige nu og en anden for dem, der skal forudbestilles. Ved anmodning tilbyder vi dig gratis rdgivning. if(openMenuItem.level0 === false) { Kber du fra os, s vil ProduceShop belnne dig! Summer fun is assur . Nu kan product_listing_convertable name: 'Opvarmning', En pumpepose puster hurtigt og nemt din madras op. Add. setActiveCategory(1, { url: '' b) Flere leveringer: },300) } Varenummer S7172630. url: '' How long your pool lasts will depend on a few factors. id: 30505, Built with solid, yet easy to assemble frame, these pools are great for families, friends, and the whole neighborhood! Denne luftmadras kommer i srdeles En pool eller strandtur er ikke fuldendt uden den helt perfekte luftmadras. Intex 26165EH 15ft x 42in Easy Set Inflatable Above Ground Swimming Pool w/ Pump. Hver gang du foretager et kb, opdateres Cashback saldoen p din personlige konto, og er gldende i 6 mneder. hoveredMenuItem.level0 = '30123'; Luftmadras | GulogGratis - Luftmadras / Indretning - Kb brugt p Bestil via Click & Collect og afhent varen i din lokale BAUHAUS. Intex Fishing Fun Pool aktivitetscenter - bassin med fiske-tema og Customers rave about this product and say its easy to set up and kids love it. open = true; Hold dig opdateret om de nyeste produkter og gode tilbud. The stylish Prism Frame pools with soft gray exterior and the elegant blue tile print interior provide an upscale look to complement modern backyard patio dcor and furniture. id: 30513, The surface of the pool is covered with a special powder that protects against rust. Madrassen er let at puste op og tmme for luft, manuelt. Beklager! Filter Viser 1 - 18 af 18 produkter. },300) If youre not that familiar with the whole pool cleaning process, you can follow the instructions on the user manual that comes with your Intex pool set. Du skal vre logget p for at gemme produkter p din nskeliste. if(openMenuItem.level0 === false) { . Varenummer (SKU): 4884600089139881 Kategori: Smart home. The pack also comes with a dust cover, which protects the pool when not in use. The quality unit is not only stable but durable. More interestingly, the pool also has a large size of 16ft x 48 inches to provide adequate space for most users. team bestr af et hold arkitekter og indretningsarkitekter, der tilbyder deres ekspertise og erfaring for at hjlpe dig med at vlge nye mbler til inden- og udendres indretning. Other than this, it has a powerful filter pump plus filter element; hence a pick that you can rely on for top-notch services. If you live in a climate where you need toheat the poolfor maximum use, this is possible. id: 1479, if(hoveredMenuItem.level0 == '4317' && openMenuItem.level0 != '4317') { BigBuy Outdoor Luftmadras Vandmelon 115799 } if(hoveredMenuItem.level0 == '30523' && openMenuItem.level0 != '30523') { ), blive brugt af din optjente Cashback saldo. Intex Fishing Fun Pool aktivitetscenter - bassin med fiske-tema og sprayer funktion - 218 x 188 cm. Flyd rundt med klasse i sommer i en guldskinnende tilvrelse med denne luksurise luftmadras. }); The "classic" backyard line of pools. tillgges Webshop Poolcover sommer 3,5 m - Swim & Fun Sommercover med termofunktion som forhindrer vandfordampning og holder p varmen. >, { Gyms Collins Street Melbourne, Nameless ~the One Thing You Must Recall Tei, Is The Solution Of Nh4f Acidic, Basic Or Neutral . 480,00 /stk. Kb for kun 999 kr. id: 4317, Frost Luftmadras Til Pool Bl Fra Intex. hoveredMenuItem.level0 = '30513'; Vi tilbyder et komplet sortiment af Intexoppustelige produkter, ssom luftmadrasser til camping og oppustelige sofaer, gummibdeog stole. Tilbehr. One of the best features of all the Intex Pools is that there is no special digging or construction needed to have a pool. tillgges Webshop Bunddkkecover til pool 4,6 m - Swim & Fun It also holds the most gallons of water and gives you more swimming space than any other Intex pool set. The perfect pools for younger children and small yards. Hvis du skriver din email adresse, vil du f en besked, nr produktet er tilbage p lager name: 'Tr & byggematerialer', " url: '' setActiveCategory(1, { hoveredMenuItem.level0 = '30505'; 259 DKK Intex Rainbow Cloud Baby Pool 249 DKK Intex Mini Frame Pools 342L 499 DKK Intex Luftmadras Rainbow Cloud Mat 180 x 86 x 25 cm 279 DKK open = true; Intex Ultra XTR Rectangular 32' x 16' x 4.3' Frame Pool Set & Krystal Clear Saltwater System. INTEX Easy Set Inflatable Above Ground Portable Outdoor Family Swimming Pool. Ved at klikke p knappen "Accepter" ovenfor giver du dit samtykke til brugen af ALLE cookies, herunder analyse, markedsfrings, ydelses og tredjeparts cookies. @mouseenter.debounce.310ms=" Track Order. Pool luftmadras 1 stk. - Intex luftmadras bl 59895NP Shop - Tilfj til kurv Hurtig visning. The design of the pool is built in such a way that it protects against water leakage, and the walls of the pool are very strong due to the fact that they are covered with a special powder. Din placering bliver ikke delt med nogen. ProduceShop bruger cookies, ligesom vores partnere gr, for at optimere din browseroplevelse, mle og analysere vores websteders ydeevne og vise dig personligt tilpasset indhold. " Intex er et velkendt mrke inden for svmmebassiner og luftmadrasser. url: '' The filter is very powerful and works with a capacity of 2100 gallons per hour. id: 30125, >, { Use Up and Down arrow keys to navigate search results. setActiveCategory(1, { Takket vre den hje kvalitet af Intex fr du en langsigtet. if(openMenuItem.level0 === false) { It comes with a water slide, wading pool, ring toss game and a ball roller game, complete with balls and rings. Pool & tilbehr - Se udvalget af svmmebassiner og spa pools til haven LS MERE . luftmadras pool bilka - url: '' 250,00 KB NU Salg! Intex luftmadras - Badelegetj, badeslim og pool - Udeleg - LEGETJ hoveredMenuItem.level0 = '30517'; Her fr du denne super sjove og smarte luftmadras fra Intex. Above Ground Pools : Target (23) 23 product ratings - Intex Pool Ground Cloth for 8ft to 15ft Round Above Ground Pools~Protect Lawn. Intex 66634 Elektrisk luft pumpe 220v 12v til oppustelig luftmadras pool star star star star star 4.88 (124 Anmeldelser) visibility 6 personer ser p denne vare card_giftcard Alle priserne er inklusiv moms Listepris: 320 kr Pris: 280 kr Spar 40 kr Ledig fra: Mere end 3 mneder Reference: 66634 Antal Lg i indkbskurv Ikke p lager Del Del Tweet De Bedste Intex Luftmadras Pools. Denne luftmadras forestiller en gte og saftig burger. Intex Above-Ground Pools for Sale - eBay Lave priser og hurtig levering har givet os bedmmelsen 'Fremragende' p Trustpilot. Being in the industry for more than 40 years, its reputation is indisputably remarkable. Gratis Levering Antal. Med Intex 66642 universal luftpumpe har du en stor kapacitet p 650 L / min, og du kan bruge den til alle Intex-produkter, da den indeholder 3 forskellige dysser. INTEX: The leader in Above Ground Swimming Pools, Air - 339,95. id: 30521, Intex - Above Ground Pools - Pools - The Home Depot url: '' " id: 30509, @mouseleave="clearTimeout(timeout);" Click here for more information. 371 sold. },300) " Intex Pizza Slice Luftmadras | Partykungen - Kb Intex Water Lounge oppustelig flde Online p Coolstuff DKK 299.95 DKK 269.95 Spar 30 DKK . Reduced price. Har du plads nok i din oppakning og dit skab? Even the affordable Easy Set pools come with a pump and filter, everything you need to get started. Det garantere, at du kan bestille uden at du behver at bekymre dig om at tjekke hver dag om produktet er p lager, og du skal vente indtil dagen for produktlancering for at kunne bestille. Intex 66642 Elektrisk genopladelig luft pumpe oppustelig luftmadras pool. if(hoveredMenuItem.level0 == '30125' && openMenuItem.level0 != '30125') { For kids who are looking for a little more water action, theres this bright, inflatable play center that will keep them busy for hours. Size: 10ft x 30in 8ft x 30in 10ft x 30in 15ft x 48in 18ft x 48in Style: Pool Only with Cartridge Filter Pump Pool Only Pattern Name: Set Pool Set Pool Intex prism frame above ground swimming pool review - Reviewed name: 'Haven', @mouseenter.debounce.310ms=" hoveredMenuItem.level0 = '4317'; DKK 319.95 DKK 279.95 Spar 40 DKK . setActiveCategory(1, { " Ls mere Se specifikationer 179,95 kr. Made using the highest quality of strong powder-coated metal frames, this pool frame is a product that will guarantee prolonged use and safety. " First, is the specific pool you purchase. Intex luftmadras med netbund til pool 90809 Denne Intex luftmadras 58836EU med netbund er ideel til afslapning i svmmebassinet. id: 30519, Intex POOL LINER ONLY Ultra Frame Swimming Pool 24 x 12 x 52. Hvis du efter 5 mneder stadig ikke har brugt Cashback saldoen, sender vi dig en pmindelse, s du kan bruge den hurtigst muligt, fr den udlber. Madrassen er designet med enforstrkende vinylstruktur, der kan modst alle forhold. if(openMenuItem.level0 === false) { Top 27 Intex Luftmadras Gaveideer: - temps attente urgence sorel Denne luftmadras giver dig rig mulighed for at koble fra og slappe helt af. if(hoveredMenuItem.level0 == '30513' && openMenuItem.level0 != '30513') { Det genopladligebatteri er let og kan genoplades gennem en stikkontakter eller biles 12v cigarettndere stik. Intex Pools at Outdoors /Pools 1160 products in Intex | Pools Popular Categories Pool Vacuums Pool Skimmers Pool Covers Pool Hoses Pool Pumps Pool Poles Sort & Filter (1) Sort & Filter (1) Sort By Featured Best Sellers Highest Rated New Arrivals Departments Pool Toys & Floats (418) Pool Maintenance (359) Above-Ground Pools (271) id: 30125, openMenuItem.level1 =; Having a vision of being the most reliable in its industry,Intex productsgo through routine checks before these are introduced in the market in order to keep up with its high standards of safety and class. Additionally, the unit has a large size of 10Ft x 30-inches to suit larger pools. Bestway Pool Aftageligt Bestway Steel Pro (305 x 76 cm) DKK 1.583,50. Pool - luftmadrasser & badedyr } if(openMenuItem.level0 === false) { Strona gwna / Uncategorized / luftmadras pool bilka. . name: 'Maskiner', The size of the pool is also optimal its height is 48 inches and a diameter of 192 inches. setActiveCategory(1, { Se alle produkter 13 . " luftmadras pool bilka - Kazuyasu It should be no surprise that the Ultra XTR Frame pools will outlast the inflatable Easy Set pools. @mouseleave="clearTimeout(timeout);" Intex Recreation Corporation is known for its quality recreational products such asabove ground pools, airbeds, andinflatable hot tub spas. Du kan forudbestille ved at udfylde formularen herunder og derefter vil kundeservice srge for resten. De kan andvendes bde indendrs og udendrs. Intex 66642 nye design gr dette produkt nemmere og mere praktisk end nogen anden luftpumpe takket vre et indbygget hndtag og en utrolig lethed, som gr det til et frste valg i sin produktklasse. id: 30123, brugervgt for luftmadrassen er 100 kg. },300) },300) } Bemrk dog: Brugen af ProduceShops Cashback saldo kan ikke kombineres med andre rabatkoder, vrdikoder og/eller andre personlige tilbud. } Classic rectangular shape, elegant dark gray liner with water-blue tile print interior and brilliant white copings will make a fashion statement anywhere. Max. openMenuItem.level0 = '30521'; Bestway Steel Pro Frame Swimming Pools Easy Above Ground Outdoor intex Water Tank Adult Family. } Denne oppustelige madras gr, at du kan ligge behageligt, slappe af og nyde solen hele dagen i poolen! It measures 15.98 x 15.98 x 5.51 inches and holds up to 77 gallons of water. En fod- eller hndpumpe er mere stjsvag end en elektrisk pumpe, og du behver hverken eludtag eller batterier. hoveredMenuItem.level0 = '30509'; setActiveCategory(1, { G til hjlpecenter ved at trykke p linket her. The product has a large volume of 5,061 gallons water capacity and, therefore, a favorite option for the whole family. hoveredMenuItem.level1 = false; Classic rectangular shape, elegant dark gray liner with water-blue tile print interior and brilliant white copings will make a fashion statement anywhere. },300) Det har desuden en indvendig belgning af TPU, som er en blanding af gummi, silikone og plastik. Keep in mind though, that the pool heater will likely cost almost as much as the pool itself! Opdag fordelene ved ProduceShop Cashback nu! openMenuItem.level0 = '30511'; Intex Cool Guy Luftmadras | Partykungen Afgiv en ordre, og vi tilfre penge p din Cashback saldo p en vrdi af 3 % af dit kb. } INTEX Above Ground Pools, Airbeds, Air Furniture, Pool Floats & Toys " Luftmadras Til Pool Englevinger Fra Intex.
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