Today, transdermal drug patches are used to distribute contraceptives, antidepressants, nicotine, and pain medications. 27. The Kirkpatrick-Bez X-ray reflection microscope uses X-rays to enlarge images of small or far-off objects. Allegedly, the idea of the naturally occurring flow system in a waterfall led him to take his diamond scalpel invention and combine it with an ultramicrotome to significantly improve the ultra-thin sectioning of electron microscopy samples. National Association of Hispanic Nurses. High-risk infants delivered before full-term gestation can benefit from this discovery by living longer in neonatal intensive care (NICU). ", Born in Chile, Luis Alejandro Cavallo Caroca was granted U.S. Design Patent D582,231 for the "Ornamental Design of a Corkscrew" and also U.S. Design Patent D584,122 for the "Ornamental Design of Scissors.". This is a list of inventors and discoverers who are of Spanish origin or otherwise reside in continental Spain or one of the country's oversees territories. He was the first to employ the idea of cryo-ultramicrotomy, which is used to section vitrified biological samples, and contributed to the electron microscope. Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images. However, it is essential to note that the term "Hispanic" is very nebulous, with many interpretations, including conflicting official definitions from the U.S. Census and other "official" sources. With only an elementary school education, Black inventor (and son of an enslaved parent), Garrett Morgan came up with several . You may not know whatreCAPTCHAis, but you see it almost every time you sign into a new website. Sarah Breedlove Walker was an inventor and businesswoman, and became one of the largest employers of African-American women of her time. (accessed March 4, 2023). Check out these everyday things that were actually invented for World War I. The USPTO is currently improving our content to better serve you. 10 Important Black Inventors in U.S. History - ThoughtCo Mexican and Portuguese-American makeup artist Rea Ann Silva created one of the most iconic beauty tools used today. Mexican inventor Victor Ochoa was also a Mexican revolutionary. He was also the inventor of a windmill, magnetic brakes, a wrench, and a reversible motor. Ildaura Murillo-Rohde, PhD, RN (1920-2010): Changing the face of nursing. Biography of Alexander Graham Bell, Inventor of the Telephone, Inventor Samuel Crompton and His Spinning Mule, Important Innovations and Inventions, Past and Present, Biography of Thomas Adams, American Inventor, May Calendar of Famous Inventions and Birthdays, The Most Impactful Inventions of the Last 300 Years, Mechanical Television History and John Baird, Black History Month - African American Patent Holders - B, August Calendar of Famous Inventions and Birthdays, Elephant Toothpaste Chemistry Demonstration, September Calendar of Famous Inventions and Birthdays. Palmaz was admitted to the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 2006. There he met a lot of children who complained that they couldn't play football. Frank S. Greene, an electrical engineer, inventor, teacher, and advocate, was a Silicon Valley powerhouse. Born in Mxico, Luis Miramontes was granted U.S. Patent 2,744,122 for progestin norethindrone for use in oral contraceptives. With an undergraduate degree in physics and a masters and doctorate in electrical engineering, she served as a researcher at Sandia National Laboratories and NASAs Ames Research Center and is the co-inventor ofthree optics-related USPatents(4,674,824, 4,838,644, and 4,949,389). 10 Awesome Latino Inventions. List of Spanish inventions and discoveries - Wikipedia The following are some of the most notable and important Hispanic inventors. Well, Zaffaroni helped create multiple biotechnology companies that are responsible for many brilliant medical breakthroughs. At just 64g, it weighs about as much as a large battery. Made from a material that is specifically designed to retain moisture, rather than repel it, the beautyblender gives the perfect application of foundation every time. In 1881 he received a patent for inventing a method of producing carbon . Mara Gonzlez patented processes to diagnose invasive amebiasis, a parasitic disease that kills over 100,000 people each year. Juan Lozano's company Tecnologia Aeroespacial Mexicana sells the Rocket Belt for a hefty price. Born in Costa Rica, William Vsquez Ulate was granted U.S. Plant Patent PP21,549 for a "Dracaena Plant named 'Lauren.'". Sign language can be complex and not everyone is fluent. The First African-American to Hold a Patent Invented 'Dry Scouring It was expanded to its current month-long duration by President Ronald Reagan in 1988. Black Scientists and Inventors | Black History Month Inventors Jacob Fitzgerald and William H. Silver applied for a patent for the 'potato-masher and fruit-crusher' which was designed to crush the potato through a series of small holes, similar to a garlic press. Courtesy of a Fulbright scholarship, he came to the USto earn a PhD in electrical engineering at George Washington University, where he received two USPatents (7,565,295 and 8,140,339) both for a method and apparatus for translating hand gestures for the AcceleGlove. From the first electrical submarine to transdermal medical patches, you can thank Hispanic inventors for these incredibly important innovations. 1. Depending on where you reside, the leaves begin to turn to beautiful yellows, oranges, and reds. I was shocked to learn she became the first Hispanic female astronaut in space. Then it was up to Spanish-language media to get the word out. His field is electrical engineering, and the sensor-studded glove was his doctoral engineering project. Marianne Paguia Gonzalez, a technologist and systems engineer at JPL-NASA, gives us insights into her work for the space agency and a whole lot of pointers on getting into NASA. Born in Guadalajara, Mxico, Guillermo Gonzlez Camarena was granted U.S. Patent 2,296,019 for a "Chromoscopic adapter for television equipment", an early color television transmission system. The AcceleGlove contains sensors that work with a micro-controller attached to the wearer's arm and maps the movement of the arm and fingers. His best-known invention, the Ochoaplane was a small flying machine with collapsible wings. Courtesy of NASA. The list below is only a sampling of noted scientists through history and working in STEM fields today. USPTO - United States Patent and Trademark Office, Hispanic Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program event series, Madrid Protocol & international protection, Checking application status & viewing documents, Checking registration status & viewing documents, Enforcing your trademark rights/trademark litigation, International intergovernmental organizations, Transferring ownership / Assignments help, Office of the Chief Communications Officer. Those early . Today, there are so many ways to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month! His primary invention was the Ochoaplane, created around 1908-1911, which underwent several designs over the years, starting with a simple version mounted on two bicycle frames, with a small motor in between, that weighed only about 250 pounds. Plasma engine for rockets. Check trademark application status and view all documents associated with an application/registration. Dr. Tang is named on 84 patents and was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 2018 for his co-invention of the OLED. Top 6 African-American Inventors for Kids - Kids Play and Create Contents. Richwine's dissertation parts from a fallacy. It was described as a mechanical, electric, and air-pressure driven method for reading books. Although patented, Robless creation did not get the funding it needed to succeed, putting her among many on a list of lesser-known female inventors. This Spanish inventor was responsible for the creation of one of the lesser-known Spanish inventions, the pencil sharpener. Celorio was born on July 27, 1957, in Mexico City. Ellen Ochoa. These bandages were found to be especially beneficial for controlled drug delivery. 47 Famous Spanish Inventors: Cool Facts For Kids | Kidadl And so, on to the main event. As the father of modern neuroscience, the list of his discoveries in this field is quite long, and most of them have very complicated names. It created the ability to view a functioning human voice box in action. Thomas L. Jennings. Needless to say, this list is in no particular order and is not exhaustive. Famous Hispanic inventors and their inventions - Democrat and Chronicle In addition to being a noted physicist, he was also a passionate humanitarian and educator. "Hispanic or Latino refers to a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race. Even after his death in 2014, Zaffaronis work continues to live on. 8 Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders whose innovations have - TED 05. In 1969, Liotta developed the first total artificial heart to . He then went back to the University of Chile in the 1980s. Rea Ann Silva and her now famous invention. Can you describe the problem? In 1951, Miramontes, then a college student, was under the direction of Syntex Corp Ceo George Rosenkranz and researcher Carl Djerassi. (She created the first, Madam Walker's Wonderful Hair Grower, in 1905.) While serving as Secretary of Health, he traveled to China and Israel, where he signed agreements with President Ephraim Katzir and Premier Chou En-lai. File a patent application online with EFS-web, Single interface replacement for EFS-Web, Private PAIR and Public PAIR, Check patent application status with Patent Center and Private PAIR, Pay maintenance fees and learn more about filing fees and other payments, Resolve disputes regarding patents with PTAB. Raised in Guatemala, Ahn received his bachelors degree from Duke University and obtained his Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University. Hispanic-American Innovators Famous for Changing the World - AOL 11 groundbreaking inventions from Latin America - World Economic Forum Returning to the topic of Nobel Prize winners, besides chemist Mario Molina mentioned above, there are several Hispanic Nobelists in the sciences who deserve recognition. The recipient lived for 64 hours with the artificial heart before receiving a real one. The sweltering summer heat begins to fade. Many Hispanic inventions have changed the world. The following year he also published observations of his larynx and vocal cords made with a small dental mirror introduced into the throat and using sunlight reflected by another mirror, becoming the first person to study human vocal folds in action. 3 Latino Inventors Who Have Changed Our Lives - She also contributed to creating three patents in the field of optics. Nikola Tesla, (born July 9/10, 1856, Smiljan, Austrian Empire [now in Croatia]died January 7, 1943, New York, New York, U.S.), Serbian American inventor and engineer who discovered and patented the rotating magnetic field, the basis of most alternating-current machinery. At the age of 17, he invented and patented his "chromoscopic adapter for television equipment.". 10 Hispanic Scientists You Should Know | HowStuffWorks 11 Famous Hispanic Scientists Who Changed the Course of History Bellis, Mary. Any copies of the burned patents that were obtained from the inventors were given a number as well, ending in 'X' to mark them as part of the destroyed batch. The iconic American inventor is still a white male - and that's an Hispanic Americans have not only contributed socially and economically to the well-being of the country. Miranda was born in 1980 in the Washington Heights neighborhood of New York City . Ruiz received a Spanish patent number of 190,698 in 1949 for devices with buttons that displayed the lesson materials when pressed and engaged. Benjamin Valles of Chihuahua, Mexico, developed a system and a method for pre-forming cable for promoting adhesion to overmolding sensor body for Delphi Technologies Inc. In other words, his invention helped introduce the world to colored television! Liotta was the author of numerous scientific articles and books, including volumes on medical humanism written in both English and Spanish. inventions have changed the world in the last decade, everyday things that were actually invented for World War I. you can stay at underwater hotels like these, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Highlighting Hispanic Inventors and Innovators Inventor: Margaret Knight. So every time you turn on the TV and enjoy your favorite show or sport, remember the contributions of Gonzlez Camarena! It launched in 1888, leading to other countries to design and test similar submarines around the world. When in use, it would adapt black-and-white TVs to color without the need to buy a new set. Puebla, Mexico. The Three-Light Traffic Signal, Invented by Garrett Morgan in 1923. Her first trip was a nine-day mission in 1993 to conduct atmospheric and solar studies from the space shuttle Discovery, which you can visit at the Smithsonians Udvar-Hazy Center. One such device came from the mind of Emilio Herrera Linares, from Spain. Fortunately, the more I search, the more stories I unearth of Hispanicengineers, scientists, and other specialists developing inventions and innovations in fields ranging from aerospace and information technology to chemical engineering and medical devices. He also developed the three-phase system of electric power transmission. In 1963, Liotta and E. Stanley Crawford successfully implanted the Left Ventricle Assist Device (LVAD) in surgery. Born in El Salvador, Jacobo G. Maria was granted U.S. Patent 4,366,935 for a "Device and Process for Spinning or Twisting and Winding Yarn.". Over the centuries, many remarkable scientists have emerged from Spanish-speaking lands, cultures and ancestors. He . Madam C.J. Professor Arturo Arias Surez (1923-2003), a civil engineer who taught at the University of Chile, developed a method that made it possible for scientists to calculate the likelihood of damage from a potential earthquake in a specific area. The result was the creation of the term "Hispanic", first introduced in the US Census in 1970. Its those I am not a robot checkboxes and distorted text images that you have to complete before accessing certain pages. According to the Smithsonian, Victor Ochoa had a reward of $50,000 offered for his delivery dead or alive to Porfirio Diaz, President of Mexico. Born in Puerto Rico, Oscar Marty was granted U.S. Patent 7,185,467 for a "Modular system of forms for casting reinforced concrete buildings on site. de Cuadros was granted U.S. The creation of norethindrone, a compound obtained from the tortoise plant (dioscorea Mexicana), a wild Mexican yam, was essential to the idea. So, here are just a few of the many Hispanic creative minds who have made some of the most significant contributions to the modern world. A native of Venezuela, Dr. Humberto Fernandez-Moran Villalobos invented and patented the diamond scalpel. Meet top Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander inventors Later, in a test with naval officials, it simulated an attack on a cruiser at night without being spotted and safely returned to port. Born in Per, Claudio Castilln Lvano was granted U.S. Patent 6,884,211 for a "Neonatal Artificial Bubble" that improves the intensive care of high-risk newborns. By successfully isolating stem cells, Tsukamoto's team opened up a whole realm of possibilities for future medical advancements and cures. There, she created three inventions that improved the speed and effectiveness of how computers handle information. Victor Ochoa with his folding wing plane (wings folded), circa 1933. Venezuelan Baruj Benacerraf won the 1980 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Jean Dausset and George D. Snell "for their discoveries concerning genetically determined structures on the cell surface that regulate immunological reactions. And there are two Argentinian Nobelists in Physiology or Medicine: Bernardo Houssay, co-winner with Carl and Gerty Corti in 1947 "for his discovery of the part played by the hormone of the anterior pituitary lobe in the metabolism of sugar," andCsar Milstein,who shared his award in 1984 with Niels K. Jerne and Georges J.F. Her fascination with the field of optics came during her time as a fellowship student at Stanford University. In 1991, Ann Tsukamoto and her team patented a discovery that would change the medical field forever stem cell transplants. Born in California, Ellen Ochoa was granted U.S. Patent 4,838,644 for "Position, Rotation, and Intensity Invariant Recognizing Method " and two other optical-related patents. The Sept. 15 start . To develop his concepts for controlled medication delivery systems, Zaffaroni established the ALZA Corporation in 1968. First African-American female physician to receive a patent for a medical invention; inventions relate to cataract surgery and include the Laserphaco Probe, which revolutionized the industry in the 1980s, and an ultrasound technique for treatment. Yes, colour television was invented by a Mexican: Guillermo Gonzlez Camarena. Soon after, the first working prototype of an electrical submarine was created. Downing's design was the precursor for . One day, a machine broke in the assembly line, causing some Cheetos to not get dusted with the bright orange cheese powder, so Richard took some home and put chili powder on them. Miramontes wrote a new procedure for the synthesis of the progestin norethindrone, the active ingredient for what would become the oral birth control pill. Hispanic inventors have made considerable contributions to science and technology throughout the ages. Lin-Manuel Miranda. Victor Celorio was granted US patents 6012890 and 6213703 for his invention. 1860s - January 5, 1943. Later, in 2002, Silva was able to capitalize on the product and develop a commercial product that would earn her numerous honors and propel her business to the top of the cosmetics sector. Victor Ochoa invented an early form of electrical brakes. Juan Lozano, a Mexican inventor with a lifelong obsession with jet packs, invented the Rocket Belt. This procedure proved to be a viable option as a bridge to cardiac transplantation. Ochoa was a revolutionist who sought to overthrow the rule of Mexicos chief executive in the early nineties. He stopped performing on stage at a young age and started giving lessons at the Paris Conservatory in the 1830s and the Royal Academy of Music in London from the 1840s onwards. Additionally, on September 16 and September 18, respectively, Mexico and Chile commemorate their respective independence days. He sold the patent in 1907 to the American Brake Company in Seattle. He also supported tele-education for students attending medical school. Source. He created the "Instrumental Seismic Intensity" or "Arias Intensity" (AI) method in 1970. 7,077,022 on July 18, 2006. Guerrilla warfare was developed in Spain. Isaac_Peral_(Ayuntamiento_de_Cartagena).jpg. Im not a robot test or Captcha codes are the jumbled letters that users are required to match before entering a website. Modern scholars generally agree that "race . It allows scientists to look at living cells and is still used today. Industry Profiles: Hispanic Inventors - Inventionland By 2022, they are expected to be produced at a rate 25 times greater than the previous decade. Most Important Things Invented by Hispanic People - Reader's Digest By Camilo Smith September 28, 2015 5:48 pm. A decade later, other submarine designs struggled to match its performance, and the Spanish Navy eventually retired the project. Ochoa was not just an inventor but also a fervent supporter of the Mexican Revolution, which allegedly attracted a $50,000 bounty to be placed on his head. Hispanic Inventors, a Hispanic Heritage Speech - Ariel Coro Baez was a Ph.D. student at Stanford University in the 1940s when he . We may have questions about your feedback, please provide your email address. Born in Spain, Jesus Maria Sanchez-Prez is a neurosurgeon that was granted U.S. Patent 2,617,944 for "Serial Roentgenography" circulatory system x-rays. M. Gregorio Maran (1887-1960), doctor and researcher, . We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer) as we strive to provide site experiences for browsers that support new web standards and security practices. Copyright 2023, Smithsonian Institution, All Rights Reserved, Highlighting Hispanic Inventors and Innovators, blog-smith-monica-2017-09-22-victor-ochoa-undated-ac0590-0000008-ochoaplane-undated-ac0590-0000009-cnmah-750-inline-edit.jpg, blog-smith-monica-2017-09-22-ellen-ochoa-sts110-e-5254-11-april-2002-cnasa-750-inline-edit.jpg, visit at the Smithsonians Udvar-Hazy Center, named Director of NASAs Johnson Space Flight Center, blog-smith-monica-2017-09-22-manny-villafana-at-st-jude-medical--27-june-2013-cmonica-smith-750-inline-edit.jpg, blog-smith-monica-2017-09-22-nsf-director-france-cordova-presenting-fy17-budget-9-february-2016-cnsf-750-inline-edit.jpg, Notes from the Director: Hispanic Heritage Month. Here are a select few of some of the most notable. Guillermo Gonzalez Camarena - Invented an early color television transmission system; Luis Von Ahn - Inventor of the anti-spam and web robot captcha File a trademark application and other documents online through TEAS. Gonzlez Camarena transmitted in color for the first time on August 31, 1946, from his lab at the Mexican League of Radio Experiments, located at Lucerna St. #1 in Mexico City. He would later make history by developing the first total artificial heart to be successfully implanted in a human in 1969. Search recorded assignment and record ownership changes, Offering opportunities for independent inventors, entrepreneurs, small business owners, and intellectual property (IP) professionals to learn about resources available to the. 10 Kids Books about Inventors to Inspire Young Creators - BOOK RIOT 7 Groundbreaking Inventions by Latino Innovators - HISTORY Though annoying at times, reCAPTCHA helps computers differentiate between robots and human beings, keeping internet users safe from malware and spam. It successfully pumped blood through the body of the patient for nearly three days. Peral presented his idea to the Spanish navy staff after conducting various investigations and experiments and receiving approval from his superiors and fellow officers. ThoughtCo, Jul. Madam C.J Walker was an inventor, entrepreneur and first African American woman to become a millionaire. The Peral submarine is considered the worlds first electric battery operated submarine. Born in Honduras, Elena Nuez was granted U.S. Patent 4,935,254 for a "Banana Flavoring Process" and three other related patents. Hispanic Heritage Month is in full swing. Is Europa habitable? For his invention, Camarena became the first person in history to receive a patent for the development of a color television (U.S. Patent 2,296,019). Lets start with inventor Victor LeatonOchoa, who was a fascinating character to say the least. Although Lvano's invention, the Incuven, regulates temperature and lowers the risk of infection for infants, it was not the first ever developed. Chemist, Luis Miramontes co-invented the contraceptive pill. Von Ahn is also a co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of the language-learning software Duolingo and a consulting professor in the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. These Hispanic women changed the world. Other inventions he patented in the USincluded: a reversible motor (USPatent718,508), a pen for fountain pens (US Patent825,153), rail magnetic brakes (US Patents867,147 and 873,587), a windmill (US Patent1,319,174), and wrenches (US Patents1,417,196 and 1,454,333). Her tool included spoken descriptions of each topic and comprised a sequence of text and drawings on reels, all arranged under a magnifying glass sheet with a light for reading in the dark. Argentinian surgeon Domingo Liotta developed the artificial heart in the late 1950s. Any references to data, third party rates, or products are subject to change without notice. The Best Tech Inventions Developed by Latinos | Digital Trends Following the interview, Pezuela y Lobo agreed to support Peral's initial research in Cdiz with a 5,000 peseta budget before starting a project to construct a full-scale submarine boat. Kayaks. Ellen grew up in the Golden State and attended San Diego State University for a degree in Physics. He is the president of Instabook Corporation, based in Gainesville, Florida. She would later spend many years working as a makeup artist for musicians like Dr. Dre, Eve, Tupac, and Brandi, among others, during her time at MTV. For "involuntary reasons" following the military takeover of Chile in 1973, he temporarily moved from Chile to Mexico. Manuel Ussel de Guimbarda/Wikimedia Commons, Spanish engineer and naval officer Isaac Peral y Caballero (1851-1895) is credited with creating an early electrical-powered submarine, the "Peral Submarine.". [18] [19] [20] Beard, Andrew. "Top List of Mexican Inventors." It was a man by the name of Philip B. The Alaskan Inuit people were the first to build and use kayaks, at least 4,000 years ago. the most famous invention from your state. According to theSmithsonian Institution, Ellen Ochoa was the first Hispanic woman astronaut. Have a comment about the web page you were viewing? Artificial Heart. In addition, he was a journalist, writer, union leader, and political activist. Airplane. He was the first to transmit the human voice via radio waves, sending a signal from one radio tower to another. He called it the chromosomic adapter for television equipment. In 1963, he saw his invention succeed with the first color television broadcast. A fury erupted when the Washington Post reported last week that Former Heritage Foundation researcher Jason Richwine argued in his Harvard doctoral dissertation that Hispanics are genetically predisposed to have lower IQs. Csar Milstein (1927-2002): A Pioneer in the Field of Monoclonal Antibodies #8. Shereturned to the Discovery in 1999 to help perform the first shuttle docking to the International Space Station, and her final flight was on Atlantis in 2002. Norton is a robot who creates inventions with his robotic dog Alpha.
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