The seated medicine ball throw as a test of upper body power in older adults. During testing days, subjects performed either the SMBTs or the EPUs after a 5-minute warm-up, which included walking or stationary cycling. Epub 2021 Dec 2. How to Cite. Jones, M. T., Martin, J. R., Jagim, A. R., & Oliver, J. M. (2016). 2022 Jan 28;4(1):e271-e285. Upper-extremity functional performance tests: reference values for overhead athletes. The seated 1.5- and 3.0-kg medicine ball throws are reliable measures of upper body power in the older adult. found that female recruits of a law enforcement agency performed lower on the SMBT than their male counterparts (p < 0.001) (24). The present study will help to provide another valuable tool for coaches and physical educators to use in assessing upper-body muscular power. Drive the med ball; do not throw it like a basketball. 12. Check out the 800+ sports in the Encyclopedia of Every Sport. After the researcher gave instructions on the warmup and SMBT protocols, participants performed the SMBT one at a time, in no particular order. var months = new Array ("January","February","March","April","May","June","July",
Separating participants into age and gender categories was influential in establishing mean normative reference values.