Production jumped from 43,500 tons in 197475 to 74,900 tons in 198485. ", Table D.1.1, "The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia: Statistical Appendix", p. 26. Peasant associations used 361 nurseries to plant 11,000 hectares of land in community forest. In the 20062007 EFY hides, skins and leather products made up 7.5% of the total export value; live animals accounted for 3.1% of the total value of exports during the same period. Most Ethiopians practice mixed agricultural activity which represents about 33.88 . This government-led outreach, combined with low labor and electricity costs, has already yielded fruits with a number of Turkish, Indian, Chinese, Indonesian and other foreign firms opening businesses in Ethiopia in recent years. The Ethiopian Herald (Addis Ababa) Urban agriculture utilizes resources such as land that have high demand for other urban uses . This is a best prospect industry sector for this country. The Government of Ethiopia (GOE) has embarked on a ten-year economic development plan (2021-2030) where agriculture is on the top of priority sectors. Ethiopia's major industries include agriculture, construction, manufacturing, resources and . Major Rivers of Ethiopia Water resources. In the case of the textile and apparel sector, a shortage of locally-produced cotton suggests a need for cotton imports, including from the United States. 3. As a result, up to 200,000 Ethiopians perished. [6] Ethiopia has great agricultural potential because of its vast areas of fertile land, diverse climate, generally adequate rainfall, and large labor pool. The state of subsistence agriculture in Ethiopia: sources of output Agricultural inputs, seeds, machinery and equipment used in cotton production. In the 1980s, as part of an effort to increase production and to improve the cultivation and harvesting of coffee, the government created the Ministry of Coffee and Tea Development (now the ECTA), which was responsible for production and marketing. Young herders take their text books of the upcoming school year to the grazing grounds. [31] ploughing the land to soften the land takes three months and from sowing and seedling to the harvesting of the crops requires three to four months. Exports are almost entirely agricultural commodities, and coffee is the largest foreign exchange earner. Develop a legal framework for agriculture-specific financial services such as micro-lending, crop insurance and forward contracts. Forestland, most of it in the southwestern part of the country, accounted for 4 percent of the total land area, according to the government. Production is overwhelmingly of a subsistence nature, and a large part of commodity exports are provided by the small agricultural cash-crop sector. To show other various factors (political, policy, cultural, religious, affected crop production and productivity in Ethiopia. With respect to increasing productivity, the GOE, alongside its international partners, has made a number of interventions to support the development of the agriculture sector. Agriculture dominates the Ethiopian economy, accounting for about 50 percent of its GDP and 82 percent of its employment. According to CSA (2015) report, cereals . By 1974 the Ministry of Agriculture's Extension and Project Implementation Department had more than twenty-eight areas with more than 200 extension and marketing centers. The GOE has an ambitious plan to attain wheat self-sufficiency and halt importations. However, despite substantial investments and subsidies, State Farms provided only 4.2% of the cereal production in 198889. Taro, yams, and sweet potatoes are commonly grown in the same region as the ensete. [17], Ethiopia's flower industry has become a new source for export revenue. Barley is grown mostly between 2,000 and 3,500 meters. Ethiopia - Socioeconomic Survey 2013-2014 - World Bank Characteristics of agricultural landscape features and local soil fertility management practices in Northwestern Amhara, Ethiopia. APDF readeris available from Adobe Systems Incorporated. PDF Specific Characteristics of Agriculture and the Need to Treat - IATP Washington, DC 20230. Private . During the 1970s, coffee exports accounted for 50-60% of the total value of all exports, although coffee's share dropped to 25% as a result of the economic dislocation following the 1974 revolution. Agriculture is the backbone of the economy of the country as the following facts indicate. Title. The directorates goal is to increase productivity, employment, technology transfer, and foreign exchange reserves by attracting investors with incentives and favorable land lease terms. Major Rivers of Ethiopia | Ethiopia About Ethiopia - This article examines the characteristics of and choice among two production technologies in Ethiopian agriculture, one with fertilizer and the other without, using 1989-90 farm-level data. "National Statistical Abstract. The existence of so many land tenure systems, coupled with the lack of reliable data, made it difficult to give a comprehensive assessment of landownership in Ethiopia, as well as depressed the ability of peasants to improve themselves. [7], Pulses are the second most important element in the national diet and a principal protein source. Peasant associations often were periodically compelled to redistribute land to accommodate young families or new households moving into their area. Industrial Parks Development Corporation (IPDC), Textile Industry Development Institute (ETIDI), Ethiopian Cotton Producer, Ginners, and Exporters Association (ECPGEA). The Ethiopian Government set up the Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) to reach certain goals between 2011 and 2015. Ethiopia: Urban Agriculture and Poverty Alleviation - Agriculture. Lake Tana Subbasin's Economy and The Role of Natural Resources -- 22. Agriculture | Free Full-Text | The Role of Smallholder Farming on Rural For this to happen, the government will need to guarantee sufficient allocations of foreign exchange. [7], Agricultural productivity under the Derg continued to decline. Climate change and specialty coffee potential in Ethiopia [7] According to the Central Statistical Agency (CSA), in 2008 the average Ethiopian farmer holds 1.2 hectares of land, with 55.13% of them holding less than 1.0 hectare. Smallholder Farmers Agricultural Commercialization in Ethiopia: A In June, 1997, the Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organization (EARO), today's Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR) was established and merged all the existing agricultural research institutions which included: 1. This modest increase, however, was not enough to offset a general decrease in GDP during the same period. In addition, the rugged topography of the highlands, the brief but extremely heavy rainfalls that characterize many areas, and centuries-old farming practices that do not include conservation measures have accelerated soil erosion in much of Ethiopia's highland areas. [10] This has raised fears of food being exported to more prosperous countries while the local population faces its own shortage. Their resistance to this change increased when Zemecha members campaigned for collectivization of land and oxen. Research on the constraints, characteristics, and performance of the enterprise sector in low-income countries is often constrained by scarcity . [7], Of Ethiopia's total land area of 1,221,480 square kilometers, the government estimated in the late 1980s that 15 percent was under cultivation and 51 percent was pasture. The MPP included credit for the purchase of items such as fertilizers, improved seeds, and pesticides; innovative extension services; the establishment of cooperatives; and the provision of infrastructure, mainly water supply and all-weather roads. The vision of the CSA is to be a center of excellence in . Ethiopia - Agricultural Sector - International Trade Administration Agriculture accounts for most of (30- 42%) of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country. Tenant farmers in southern Ethiopia, where the average tenancy was as high as 55% and rural elites exploited farmers, welcomed the land reform. The high concentration of animals in the highlands, together with the fact that cattle are often kept for status, reduces the economic potential of Ethiopian livestock. Textile and apparel manufacturing and equipment. 27 May 2021. In addition to its domestic use, sesame is also the principal export oilseed. The Blue Nile from Ethiopia originating form Lake Tana and the White Nile that originated form Lake Victoria merge into the Great Nile River at Khartoum, the Sudan capital to form the longest river of the world draining to the Mediterranean Sea.The Blue Nile Falls is one . One way the government is hoping to improve cotton yields is with Genetically Engineered (GE) cotton. Characteristics of Agriculture | PDF | Intensive Farming - Scribd In EFY 197475, pulses and oilseeds accounted for 34% of export earnings (about 163 million Birr), but this share declined to about 3% (about 30 million Birr) in EFY 198889. Contribution of Agriculture in The Ethiopian Economy: a Time-varying The combined pressure of crop and livestock production and the ever-increasing human f AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS IN ETHIOPIA 285 population on the land in this farming system is high. The economic plan prescribes the following comprehensive measures to overcome the challenges facing the agricultural sector: Enhance productivity of small-holder farmers and pastoralists through provision of modern inputs and services; Develop a legal framework that will allow farmers to lease land and to become shareholders in large commercial farms; Modernize livestock production through improving veterinary infrastructure, research and innovation, and establishing linkages with other industries; Establish effective linkages between agriculture producers and commodity markets as well as the commercial value chain; Encourage private sector investment in agricultural R&D and exploring PPPs to expand medium and large-scale irrigation infrastructure; and. The Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) is the Ethiopian government ministry which oversees the agricultural and rural development policies of Ethiopia on a Federal level. Agriculture accounted for 50% of GDP, 83.9% of exports, and 80% of the labor force in 2006 and 2007, compared to 44.9%, 76.9% and 80% in 20022003, and agriculture remains the Ethiopian economy's most important sector. Background Understanding the landscape features of agricultural lands and soil management practices is pertinent to verify the potential and limitations of the soil resources; and devise relevant land management strategies. After the 1975 land reform, peasants began withholding grain from the market to drive up prices because government price-control measures had created shortages of consumer items. This growth is expected to create investment and trade opportunities for certain commodities and open doors for veterinary and other livestock services. The most important oilseed is the indigenous Niger seed (neug), which is grown on 50 percent or more of the area devoted to oilseeds. J. Ethiopia has considerable potential for producing cotton. Consequently, individual holdings were frequently far smaller than the permitted maximum allotment of ten hectares. The most important agricultural exports include coffee, hides and skins (leather products), Pulses, oil seeds, beeswax, and, increasingly, tea. In the future, the government intends to work with the private sector to develop capacity to process some of these commodities, like fruits and vegetables, in order to add value and capture higher export prices. The Government of Ethiopia (GOE) has identified key priority intervention areas to increase productivity of smallholder farms and expand large-scale commercial farms. Almost the entire rural population was involved in some way with animal husbandry, whose role included the provision of draft power, food, cash, transportation, fuel, and, especially in pastoral areas, social prestige. (2013). Agro-processing equipment (e.g. PDF Crop Production in Ethiopia: Reginal Patterns and Trends However, opponents of villagization argued that the scheme was disruptive to agricultural production because the government moved many farmers during the planting and harvesting seasons. Overview. Cookies on OCLC websites. The relationship between elevation, soil temperatures, soil chemical characteristics, and green coffee bean quality and biochemistry in southwest Ethiopia. The amount of coffee inspected in the fiscal year 20072008 by the Ethiopian Coffee and Tea Authority (ECTA) was 230,247 tons, a decrease of almost 3% from the previous fiscal year's total of 236,714 tons. Production Efficiency and Agricultural Technologies in the Ethiopian Ethiopia aims to reach lower-middle-income status by 2025. Agriculture accounts for most of (30-42%)t of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country. According to Ethiopia farming, this ploughing the land to prepare the soil for sow requires around two quarter of a year. Yet, information regarding its extent, distribution, causes, and lime requirement at a scale relevant to subsistence farming systems is still lacking. Agricultural Research and Development in Ethiopia Oilseeds of lesser significance include castor beans, rapeseed, peanuts, and safflower and sunflower seeds. [27], Most of Ethiopia's estimated 48 million sheep and goats are raised by small farmers who used them as a major source of meat and cash income. Most of these farmers lived in the Ethiopian Highlands, mainly at elevations of 1,500 to 3,000 meters. For this reason, some environmental experts maintain that large-scale conservation work in Ethiopia has been ineffective. About 70 percent of the cattle in 1987 were in the highlands (commonly involved in transhumance),[26] and the remaining 30 percent were kept by nomadic pastoralists in the lowland areas. "National Statistical Abstract. U.S. Department of Commerce
Although the AMC had agents in all regions, it was particularly active in the major cereal producing regions, namely, Gojjam, Shewa, Arsi, and Gondar. However, the expected level was not achieved. Agriculture, which constituted 46 percent of GDP and more than 80 percent of exports, is by far the most important economic activity in the Ethiopian economy. In this regard, Ethiopia is looking to expand development efforts to fight land degradation and to reduce pollution; reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions; increase forest protection and development; increase production of electricity from renewable sources for domestic use and for export; and focus on modern and energy saving technologies. Second, because peasants faced food shortages, they gave priority to cereal staples to sustain themselves. [27], Most of the estimated 7.5 million equines (horses, mules, and donkeys) are used to transport produce and other agricultural goods. There may also be future opportunities for equipment and systems to process these commodities. Wubne, Mulatu. Amare Getahun's (1978) paper on agricultural systems in Ethiopia is one of the few attempts to classify agricultural systems in Ethiopia into (a) the highland mixed farming system, (b) low plateaux and valley mixed agriculture, (c) pastoral livestock production of the arid and semi-arid zones and (d) commercial agriculture, and to describe the main characteristics of each system. During the same period (197387), population increased at an average annual rate of 2.6 percent (2.4 percent for 198087). In order to address the ongoing drought, the GOE is renewing its emphasis on developing the countrys irrigation systems and water-harvesting methodologies. [2][3][4] Many other economic activities depend on agriculture, including marketing, processing, and export of agricultural products. Nonetheless, agricultural output rose by an estimated 3 percent in 199091, almost certainly in response to the relaxation of government regulation. A potential exists for self-sufficiency in grains and for export development in livestock, grains, vegetables, and fruits. Commercial Imports from the United States, Source: USDA/Foreign Agriculture Service, Addis Ababa, (Total market size = (total local production + imports) - exports). The highest concentration of poultry is in Shewa, in central Wollo, and in northwestern Tigray. The first three are primarily cool-weather crops cultivated at altitudes generally above 1,500 meters. But the same quantity of teff retailed at 81 birr at food stores belonging to the urban dwellers' associations (kebeles) in Addis Ababa and sold for as much as 181 birr in the open market. Agriculture is the country's most promising resource management. the agriculture sector in Ethiopia relies to a greater extent on availability of suitable land, moisture, climatic . Firstly, various policies that discouraged private sector participation in economic activity were implemented during the socialist era (between 1978 and 1992). Over 60% of Ethiopian coffee is produced as forest coffee . [7] Despite government efforts, farmers responded less than enthusiastically. Among the overall agricultural output produced by an Ethiopian family farm, only 21 percent are sold, highlighting the subsistence-oriented nature of the country's smallholders. The GOE imposes an export ban on cereal grain and local prices are often higher than what they are on the international market. [16] In 20062007 (the latest year available), exports of oilseeds accounted for 15.78% of export earnings (or million 187.4 Birr) and pulses 5.92% (or 70.3 million Birr). Land tenure rights as well as natural disasters, such as floods, hamper the countrys ability to quickly expand cotton production. Available data on crop production show that land reform and the various government rural programs had a minimal impact on increasing the food supply, as production levels displayed considerable fluctuations and low growth rates at best. Facing a Foreign Trade AD/CVD or Safeguard Investigation? Grain consumption, especially for wheat and wheat-based products like bread and pasta, continues to climb as incomes rise and more people move to urban centers. Kassaye Tolassa . Culture of Ethiopia - history, people, traditions, women, beliefs, food Ethiopia: Urban Agriculture and Poverty Alleviation. Agro-processed products, such as chicken, cheese, butter, eggs, biscuits, bread, juice, etc. A couple of U.S. investors have also entered the market. In fact, the soybean crushing and soybean oil refining industry is quickly emerging. Agriculture is the mainstay of the economy. Ethiopia's agricultural sector has developed favourably over the past decade, but rapid population growth, limited access to fertile land, and volatile agricultural outcomes pose problems for the . Pulses, grown widely at all altitudes from sea level to about 3,000 meters, are more prevalent in the northern and central highlands. In 198182, out of the AMC's purchases of 257,000 tons of grain, Gojjam accounted for 32 percent of the purchases, and Arsi, Shewa, and Gonder accounted for 23%, 22%, and 10%, respectively. First, the recurring droughts had devastated the country's main areas where pulses and oilseeds were grown. The Structure and Performance of the Ethiopian Manufacturing Sector Livestock and Livestock Characteristics (Private Peasant Holdings) 2020/2021 (2013 E.C.) Agriculture - Ethiopian Statistics Service Agricultural systems in Ethiopia - ScienceDirect The contribution of agriculture to growth in the manufacturing and services sectors was not significant between 1978 and 1998. For the foreseeable future, the demand for cotton is expected to outstrip local supplies, making imports necessary. Ethiopia one of the fastest-growing economies in the continent. According to the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), Ethiopia's GDP growth rate will increase by around 7.8% to 10% by 2023. Examining the characteristics of stakeholders in Lake Tana Sub-basin resource use, management and Governance -- 21. A critical review of rural development policy of Ethiopia: access Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. Recurring drought takes a heavy toll on the animal population, although it is difficult to determine the extent of losses. The process meant not only smaller farms but also the fragmentation of holdings, which were often scattered into small plots to give families land of comparable quality. [Pdf] Contribution of Agriculture in The Ethiopian Economy: a Time To make matters worse, during the 1972-74 drought and famine the imperial government refused to assist rural Ethiopians and tried to cover up the crisis by refusing international aid. The expected growth from these agriculture-related industries offers numerous opportunities for agricultural input sales, such as tractors and harvesters, farm trucks, fertilizer, irrigation equipment, grain handling systems, food and livestock processing equipment, as well as cold storage facilities. In the late nineteenth century, about 30% of Ethiopia was covered with forest. The ten-year plan called for an increase in the size of state farms producing coffee from 14,000 to 15,000 hectares to 50,000 hectares by 1994. Top 3 Trade Partners (2021): China, India, and United States. It purchased grain from peasant associations at fixed prices. For instance, the 198485 official procurement price for 100 kilograms of teff was 42 birr at the farm level and 60 birr when the AMC purchased it from wholesalers.
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