usps eeoc settlements 2020

A transgender male complainant stated a cognizable claim of sex discrimination when he alleged that his Federal Employee Health Benefits insurance plan denied pre-authorization for nipple-areola reconstruction; the failure to use or exhaust the process for Agency review of an insurance carrier's decision does not preclude an employee from asserting a viable claim in the EEO process. 0120182156 (Sept. 12, 2018), What Hasn't Been Working Well Imagine the EEOC ruling against you in a discrimination charge and inviting you to a settlement conference without explaining either why you lost the case or how [] The Commission found that the Agency complied with the terms of a settlement agreement, including the provision of accepting a letter of resignation from Complainant. NRP Class Action Lawsuit Update - December, 2020 Secure .gov websites use HTTPS We thank you all for your continued patience with this process. Complainant, the only African-American plumber at the facility where he worked, was subjected to a hostile work environment based on race when coworkers tampered with his toolbox and left notes in it saying that African Americans did not have the skill sets to be plumbers, attempted to restrain him to a chair with a metal clamp, referred to him as a goat, and duct-taped him to a chair; the Agency was liable for the racial harassment because it did not take immediate and appropriate corrective action after Complainant reported the first, toolbox incident. 0120162182 (Dec. 8, 2017), NEW YORK (AP) Four New York City ambulance workers who said they were disciplined for speaking to the media during the harrowing, early months of the COVID-19 pandemic have reached a settlement in their free speech lawsuit against the fire department and the city, their union announced Wednesday. Agency did not show that allowing Complainant to take Saturdays off for religious observances would have resulted in an undue hardship where Agency asserted that it could not do so without incurring overtime costs but made no effort to look into the possibility of schedule swaps or any other type of accommodation. Brendon L. v. Dep't of Veterans Affairs, EEOC Appeal No. Official websites use .gov The Agency discriminated against Complainant based on his disability when it failed to provide him with a reasonable accommodation in a timely manner and when it delayed his promotion. Margaret M. v. Dep't of Veterans Affairs, EEOC Appeal No. Upon your death, all of your assets will pass along, either under the terms of a will or (if you have no will) pursuant to what the law prescribes. 2019003663 (Aug. 22, 2019), The Average Employee Lawsuit costs $250,000How Safe is your Company? In total, the EEOC received 46,158 Title VII charges in 2020 and was able to reach a settlement on 7.3% or 3,603 of those charges. Costs USPS agreed to pay $840,044 for 4,584 pre-complaint settlements, of which 433 were monetary settlements averaging $1,940. Including the NRP case, the USPS estimates that it may owe up to $178 million in potential liabilities for pending employment claims. 2020005108 (Apr. Texas mail carrier wins $250,000 in discrimination lawsuit 2020002362 (Oct. 1, 2020), USPS has joined more than 1,500 companies using The Work Number, an automated service that allows you to quickly and securely provide proof of your employment or income. 0120161017 (May 29, 2018), 0120122795 (Feb. 23, 2016), EEOC Summarizes Policies on Monetary Awards. The plight of USPS workers bears striking similarities to the experience of workers at tech and logistics giant Amazon, owned by ultra-billionaire Jeff Bezos, who are routinely victimized, harassed, spied upon, fired and denied workers compensation for injuries suffered on the job. Eura B. v. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, EEOC Appeal No. Substantial evidence supported Administrative Judge's determination that Complainant did not show that he personally was subjected to conduct sufficiently severe or pervasive to create a hostile work environment based on race where Complainant did not witness most of the racially insensitive incidents alleged, he learned of the conduct second or third hand, he did not work at the office when the offensive conduct occurred, and the offensive behavior was not directed toward him; agreeing with the AJ's finding that the office where the conduct occurred was rife with offensive and racially hostile behavior, and given that substantial evidence established that other African-American employees were subjected to race-based conduct, the decision ordered the Agency to conduct training, to consider disciplining several identified Agency employees, and to post a notice. After the 1970 postal workers strike against the federal government, the USPS was formed to replace the US Postal Department, which was funded by Congress, with an organization that was run like a business, but which is not a government-owned corporation. Copyright 2023 The Angel Law Firm, PLLC. In 2009, an administrative judge awarded back pay with interest and $100,000 in compensatory damages. Summary judgment in favor of Agency inappropriate where AJ abused her discretion in denying Complainant's Motion to Compel and there were genuine issues of material fact concerning whether Agency had a policy or practice of not accommodating pregnant workers while accommodating other categories of workers. Velva B. v. United States Postal Service, EEOC Appeal Nos. The United States Postal Service (USPS) has fired or forced out nearly 44,000 employees who were injured on the job since 2006 through its National Reassessment Process (NRP), according to a. USPS' average processing time for all complaint closures increased from 238 days in FY 2008 to 243 days in FY 2009. Agency liable for harassment and constructive discharge based on sexual orientation where, although Agency removed the harasser from the work schedule at the restaurant where she and Complainant worked pending an investigation, it allowed her to return as a customer--where she continued to harass and threaten Complainant with bodily harm--and it then returned her to the work schedule; under these circumstances, it was reasonable for Complainant to feel so threatened that he resigned. Find your nearest EEOC office According to the Agency Financial Report for FY 2020, the EEOC successfully resolved 6,272 of the 9,036 mediations conducted. Our goal is to get this matter resolved in a fair way as quickly as possible. Agency discriminatorily denied Complainant's religious-accommodation request for an exemption from the requirement that employees carry a cannister of pepper spray where it was undisputed that Complainant, a chaplain, had a bona fide religious belief that prevented him from carrying the spray; Agency did not show that exempting one employee, out of approximately 300 employees, from the requirement would have been an undue hardship; and there was no evidence that Agency explored a lateral transfer to a different facility or any other alternative accommodation. USPS Settlement An EEOC Administrative Judge has approved a settlement in the Pittman v. USPS Class Complaint in which the complaint alleged discrimination based on disability against a class of employees in permanent rehabilitation positions, on a nation-wide basis. Carriers also risk injury from lifting heavy bins, squatting, repeatedly getting in and out of mail trucks, walking up and down stairs, and walking to deliver mail in inclement weather, putting them at greater risk for slips and falls as well as joint injuries. Postal workers in the US and worldwide cannot allow their struggles to be trapped within the realm of the labor unions and capitalist parties any longer. Jess P. v. Dep't of Homeland Security, EEOC Appeal No. 24, 2017), Complainant established a prima facie case of age discrimination, and Agency did not meet its burden of production to articulate a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason for not selecting Complainant for a supervisory position; stating that a complainant was not selected because she received a lower score than the selectees does not meet an agencys burden of production, unless the agency explains the specific reasoning for the score. Agency's appeal of Administrative Judge's decision was untimely filed where Agency filed the appeal more than 45 days (including a five-day presumption of receipt) after issuance of the decision; Agency did not show that it received the decision beyond the presumed five days; Agency failed to seek waiver, estoppel, or equitable tolling; and Agency failed to offer adequate justification for an extension of the applicable time period. In the case of Sandra McConnell, et al. 0120170362 (Feb. 21, 2019), That class action complaint, covering all injured-on-duty employees who were reassessed under the NRP during the period 5/5/06 through 7/1/11, was decided by the EEOC in September 2017 and finalized in a March 9, 2018 decision. 2019004252 (Aug. 10, 2020), Complainant not entitled to personal relief for discriminatory non-selection where substantial evidence of record supported Administrative Judge's conclusion that Agency canceled the selection process because of a violation of the collective bargaining agreement and would not have selected Complainant for the position absent the discrimination. Barbara S. v. U.S. The parties ultimately agreed on a $49.9 million settlement for these violations and the first round of payments was accomplished beginning in June of 2020. The four unions which officially represent the postal workersthe American Postal Workers Union, National Association of Letter Carriers, National Postal Mail Handlers Union and National Rural Letter Carriers Associationhave not lifted a finger to mobilize workers to oppose these attacks, including the loss of over 250,000 post office jobs since 1999an almost 28 percent reduction in its workforce. 0120172637 (Mar. Although Complainant prevailed on only two of his thirteen claims, his hostile work environment claim was not fractionable from his successful claims because they arose out of a common core of facts which took place during his approximately nine months of employment. Find your nearest EEOC office In Hopes of Finally Settling Cases, EEOC Revises Process The USPS has fought back against the claims brought forward by the lawsuit, contesting each workers claim individually, alleging that injured workers never provided enough proof that they had disabilities or were actually harmed as a result of the NRP. Serita B. v. Dep't of the Army, EEOC Appeal No. 2020000109 (Oct. 26, 2020), The USPS is an independent agency of the federal government that receives no tax dollars, and is the second-largest employer in the US behind Walmart. Complainant was entitled to an award of $25,000.00 in nonpecuniary compensatory damages where he demonstrated that, because of the Agency's conduct, he endured emotional distress which affected not only him but his family relationships and that, due to his inability to gain employment, his depression worsened and he was unable to afford healthcare for treatment. Labor costs made up 80 percent of the USPS operating costs at the time that the NRP was rolled out. Over the 5-year period USPS had a net decrease of 0.12% in employees with targeted disabilities. Malinda F. v. Dep't of the Air Force, EEOC Appeal No. Where there is an actionable third-party retaliation, both the employee who engaged in the protected activity and the third party who is subjected to the materially adverse action may state a claim. 2021001733 (June 2, 2021), We hope to have some good progress on final awards during 2021, and we will continue to post updates on this website. The Administrative Judge properly awarded Complainant $3,000.00 in nonpecuniary compensatory damages where Complainant offered corroborative testimony from his family, friends, and colleagues; the AJ found that Complainant's testimony was not credible in some respects but was credible with respect to how the discrimination affected his family and work life; and the amount awarded was consistent with amounts awarded under similar circumstances. Agency did not meet its burden to show that the disparity between Complainant's pay and that of two male general surgeons was based on a factor other than sex where Agency provided only vague statements to justify the pay differential and there was a lack of information reflecting how the salaries of Complainant and the comparators were set. The same year, several media outlets began to speculate that the USPS was going out of business. Arnoldo P. v. United States Postal Service, EEOC Appeal No. Stating that a complainant was not selected for a supervisory position because she received a lower score than the selectees does not meet an agencys burden of production, unless the agency explains the specific reasoning for the scores; the assertion that a complainant ranked lower than the selectees is meaningless without evidence of the specific scores, the manner in which the scores were derived, and the pertinence of the scores to the position at issue. Agency subjected Complainant to a retaliatory hostile work environment when, during a conversation in which Complainant asked her supervisor to investigate her allegations of race discrimination, the supervisor reminded Complainant that she was still in a probationary status, denied that the Agency was discriminating, told Complainant "to calm down on that," and stated that Complainant's co-workers might file complaints against her because they found her claims of race discrimination offensive. In July 2011, under Democratic President Barack Obama, the USPS announced plans to close 3,700 post offices across the US. The government-wide average was 344 days. 12, 2021), 25, 2019), 19, 2021), Generally, to win a retaliation case, you have to show (1) legally protected activity -- of which Ryan had tons, (2) adverse employment action -- and getting fired is clearly "adverse," so Ryan had that, too, and (3) a "causal connection" between the legally protected activity and the adverse employment action (uh-oh). The appellate decision affirmed an Administrative Judge's award of $200,000.00 in non-pecuniary compensatory damages and $223,116.35 in pecuniary compensatory damages. Bill A. v. Dep't of the Army, EEOC Appeal No. 0120171750 (Feb. 28, 2019), EEOC Awards $165,000 in Compensatory Damages The EEOC recently awarded $165,000 in non-pecuniary damages for pain and suffering to an employee of the U.S. The Agency did not overcome Complainant's prima facie case of sex discrimination where the Agency explained the general mechanics of the selection process for a Lead Transportation Security Officer position but did not provide a specific, individualized explanation for why Complainant was not chosen for the position. Plains and Copperhead Pipeline Companies Reach Settlement with EEOC for $1.75 Million U.S. Genny L. v. Dep't of Defense, EEOC Appeal No. 2019001961 (Sept. 21, 2020), To help the public identify those decisions, the Commission has decided to assign randomly generated first names and initials, along with a brief summary of the decisions, to the cases. Lamar M. v. U.S. XOs`4ueYh;Ex=B,Dv4 RhA8eKw/VAFGVg(Iz8u.V:\Ms|(pAGn%A@%xK b8@8\Kx78 Y> &L P dv0H4t0p40Ht00 @` h*D#8&i 4 a`M@, Complainant subjected to a hostile work environment based on sex where subordinate disparaged him because of his sexual orientation and managers, who placed the onus on Complainant to discipline the harasser or file an EEO complaint, failed to take prompt and effective action; because Agency did not have an effective anti-harassment policy, Agency was ordered to seek technical assistance from EEOC's Office of Federal Operations and to correct the policy's deficiencies. Employee lawsuits are expensive. If it is found that you meet the legal criteria for reinstatement, the Judge can order USPS to give you back the job you held before the NRP. 0720150010 (Sept. 2, 2016), Home | NRP Class Action USPS' average processing time for all complaint closures increased from 238 days in FY 2008 to 243 days in FY 2009. Published: July 20, 2016. I Won My EEOC Claim. Can I Negotiate the Amount Awarded? Under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, Gabriele G. v. Social Security Administration, EEOC Appeal No. 0120170498 (Apr. Supervisor's instruction that Complainant and her subordinates not speak Tagalog when discussing work topics was an English-only rule that was not justified by business necessity because there was no evidence that the rule was necessary for the safe or efficient operation of the Agency. Sol W. v. Dep't of Defense, EEOC Appeal No. Republican President Donald Trump has unleashed new threats to privatize the USPS in recent years, against which thousands of postal workers in cities across the US protested in 2018. 2019004187 (Nov. 30, 2020), If you want to win your retaliation case, don't be a donkey. - Constangy USPS agreed to pay $840,044 for 4,584 pre-complaint settlements, of which 433 were monetary settlements averaging $1,940. 0120182601 (Nov. 8, 2019), Ramon L. v. Dep't of Justice, EEOC Appeal No. If you are a federal employee or a USPS employee, you can set a consultation via our website at: You can get a free consultation (15 minutes) or paid consultation for upto a full one hour. It remains to be seen whether the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in 2020 that discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity is prohibited sex discrimination will have an impact on total LGBTQ-based sex discrimination charges filed.. 0120180568 (Apr. Administrative Judge properly determined that, where Complainant (through a retainer agreement) was being provided legal services at a reduced rate based on public-interest-minded reasons, the proper hourly rate was the prevailing rate at the time of the fee petition rather than the historical rate at the time the work was performed. Postal Service who was subjected to a hostile work environment for over three years and then removed. The Postal Service has a comprehensive workplace violence program to identify, review, report, and address employee assaults nationwide. Irina T. v. Dep't of Veterans Affairs, EEOC Appeal No. American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO Thomas Purviance had been employed by the U.S. in St. Louis for over three decades at the time that he was called names and mistreated by one of his USPS managers. However, the judge may still award as much or less as the end result. March 1, 2023 12:32 pm. michael sandel justice course syllabus. 2020001035 (May 20, 2021), Cristen T. v. U.S. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. The reissued Postal Service's Policy on Workplace Harassment is available on the Postal Service PolicyNet website: n Go to v. Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General, EEOC Appeal No. 2021001103 (Feb. 24, 2021), Can I be reinstated to my USPS job now while this relief process is ongoing? Irina T. v. United States Postal Service, EEOC Appeal No. %%EOF The EEOC ordered the Postal Service to notify each class member, within 10 calendar days, of the EEOC decision. Felisha A. v. Dep't of Homeland Security, EEOC Appeal No. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) offers three ways to voluntarily resolve charges: mediation, settlement and conciliation. Heidi B. v. United States Postal Service, EEOC Appeal No. 0720180016 (Dec. 11, 2018), The program sought to significantly cut labor costs for USPS, which faced increasing operating costs from fuel price increases, decreasing revenue from reductions in the use of priority services like first-class mail, as well as increasing competition for the delivery of packages and urgent mail from giant logistics corporations like UPS and FedEx. 0720180015 (Nov. 15, 2019), Summary judgment in favor of Agency appropriate where there were no genuine issues of material fact or credibility that merited a hearing; record showed that Agency issued Complainant a Letter of Counseling because of allegations that he had used improper language of a vulgar or sexual nature and that Agency discharged him during his probationary period due to his repeated discourteous behavior; Complainant provided no evidence that raised a genuine issue of material fact that any of his protected bases played a role in the Agency's actions. 2020004360 and 2020004343 (Nov. 4, 2020), The grievances expressed in the lawsuit are the result of the subordination of the US Postal Service to the relentless demands of the capitalist profit system in which it operates, and these conditions cannot be eliminated for all workers through the capitalist legal system. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. International Committee of the Fourth International. The Agency discriminated against Complainant on the basis of disability (perceived color perception deficiency) when it rescinded a tentative offer of employment for a motor vehicle operator position; the Agency did not perform an individualized assessment of whether Complainant could perform the essential functions of the position without posing a direct threat to himself or others. Heidi B. v. Dep't of Health and Human Services, EEOC Appeal No. The Post Office is unbelievable in their ability to mistreat their workers. Effective March 26, 2020, the Postal Service reissued its Memorandum of Policy (MOP) HR-03-26-2020-2, Postal Service Policy on Workplace Harassment (see page 1 and page 2 ). Robin H. v. Environmental Protection Agency, EEOC Appeal No. The Administrative Judge properly reduced Complainant's attorney's fees and costs by 40 percent where Complainant prevailed on only one of his five retaliation claims, the successful claim was not so inextricably intertwined with the unsuccessful claims that Complainant would be entitled to an award of full attorney's fees, the case did not present novel issues, and the fee petition contained numerous instances that might be considered excessive, duplicative, or unreasonable time expended. This means a settlement from the EEOC or business is not accepted and the victim decides to take the matter to court. Pamula W. v. Dep't of Veterans Affairs, EEOC Appeal No. 0120180137 (Apr. Dickerson v. Potter Workers in the class action suit claim that this is false and that other workers had to speed up to cover their heavy workloads after they were fired. Frequently Asked Questions, Commissioner Charges and Directed Investigations, Office of Civil Rights, Diversity and Inclusion, Management Directives & Federal Sector Guidance, Federal Sector Alternative Dispute Resolution, Decision to File Complaint Pending at End of Fiscal Year, Completed/Ended Counselings/Complaint Closures, All Pre-Complaint Counselings (minus remands). The USPS increased its productivity each year from 20002007 mainly through automation, route optimization and through facility consolidation. Complainant was not entitled to reinstatement as part of make-whole relief or consolidation of his constructive-discharge claim because the record contained substantial evidence that Complainant resigned his position due to fear of termination as a result of matters that were unrelated to the Agencys failure to provide a reasonable accommodation. Of the 5,659 complaints filed at USPS, 1,283 contained allegations of race (Black/African American) discrimination, 570 contained allegations of race (White) discrimination, 128 contained allegations of race (Asian) discrimination, 17 contained allegations of race (American Indian/Alaska Native) discrimination, 757 contained allegations of color discrimination and 2,533 contained allegations of disability discrimination. Agency's final order adopting Administrative Judge's decision vacated, and case remanded to Agency for reissuance of final order, where Complainant did not receive the AJ's decision and therefore was unable to argue with specificity about the AJ's findings and conclusions that the Agency implemented. Marquis K. v. Dep't of the Navy, EEOC Appeal No. Moreover, some EEO complaints dated back as far as 2001. 0520130618 (June 9, 2017), Cox will be seeking the right to file suit regarding this last EEO complaint and at such time will amend her lawsuit. On December 8, 2017, Arbitrator Shyam Das found that the Postal Service was in violation of the parties Article 1.6.B Global Settlement Remedy (This article first appeared in the July/August 2021 issue of the American Postal Worker magazine) Kirk J. Angel is an employment attorney representing federal employees. Irvin M. v. Dep't of Homeland Security, EEOC Appeal No. The suit alleges that the USPS routinely harassed and discriminated against injured workers and refused to provide reasonable accommodations to workers who had become disabled as a result of their injuries. Stanton S. v. Dep't of Veterans Affairs, EEOC Appeal No. Although Petitioner was entitled to back pay as a component of make-whole relief, she was not entitled to a sum greater than what she would have earned but for her constructive discharge; because her earnings while in active-duty military service between the time of her constructive discharge and her reinstatement exceeded her gross civilian back pay, Petitioner was not entitled to receive back pay. In 2021, we reported that non-career employees' turnover and injury rates were higher than career rates, both before and after we controlled for numerous factors such as employee tenure. Based on Title VII charges alone, the EEOC collected $234,000,000 in monetary benefits in 2020. 520-2008-00053X; Agency Case No. Edward W. v. Social Security Admin., EEOC Appeal No. The EEOC noted that the untimely invoices submitted on appeal did not detail the attorneys hourly rate or clearly identify the services performed by the attorney. 2021001898 (Apr. 0120180736 (Aug. 30. Agency did not establish that its "sit and reach" requirement for a Wildlife Refuge Specialist position was job related and consistent with business necessity where no Agency witness was able to articulate how the ability to reach over one's toes while sitting down with legs outstretched was related to any of the functions of the position.