northwest middle school dress code

Rankin County School District will cooperate with law enforcement, but the test results will not be released to law enforcement agencies without a court order or subpoena. 7. Truancy (JBAC) We have set high expectations, and are working diligently to ensure that all of our students will reach their highest potential and offer assistance to those that need it. All students in the household must be on the same application. These testing dates are listed on the district web calendar at and will include nine weeks tests, semester exams, and all state mandated tests. The first step in the process is an appeal to the Disciplinary Determination Committee (DDC). Once a police report has been filed, the district, in conjunction with the local law enforcement agency may deploy locating software to aid authorities in recovering the device. That parents play an integral role in assisting their childs learning; 2. Hence, RCSD offers students the chance to earn the designation of Distinguished Service Graduate on a voluntary basis. Know Your Rights: School Dress Codes and Uniforms Students bringing a firearm upon school property shall be expelled for a period of not less than one year, except when the Superintendent modifies such expulsion requirements for an individual student in accordance with special education or disability laws or court decision or act of the legislature or the legal opinion of the Board attorney based upon the given facts, circumstances, or laws. The primary purpose of assessment is to improve the quality of teaching and learning. The dress code in most middle schools encourages students to wear clothing that is not distracting or inappropriate. A professional testing laboratory chosen by the District will administer the drug testing. A student transferring from a state or regionally accredited school will be enrolled at the grade level and with the course credits indicated by the records of the previous school. Skin to skin contact with others should be avoided to prevent the spread of infection. 4. Everyone has a role to play in helping to create the proper learning environment. A standardized achievement test(s) or teacher-made special subject test(s) will be administered to determine appropriate classification of the student within 30 days after filing for transfer. The student and the student's parent, legal guardian or person in custody of the student may appeal suspension of more than ten (10) days and expulsions to the school board. Step inside and learn more about our school . Phone:601.824.3287 If the initial test for drugs and/or alcohol indicates a positive result, a confirmation test will be conducted immediately. The principal will place the student in the grade/course best suited to his educational achievement level, needs, and abilities. Solamente los telfonos celulares deberan estar en los armarios. 3. The principal and/or Disciplinary Determination Committee, when contemplating the length of a given expulsion recommendation, and the Superintendent and/or Board, when contemplating a given expulsion, shall consider the following factors prior to making such recommendation or decision: 1. The DDC will consist of three building level administrators from within the school district, namely a principal or assistant principal from the local school, a district level administrator and the assistant superintendent of education in charge of expulsion hearings (or his/her designee). The Rankin County School District will adhere to the document THREE TIER INSTRUCTIONAL MODEL TEACHER SUPPORT TEAM as its procedural guidelines in complying with the requirements of: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Title II Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 6. other appropriate documentation/verification. Follow the same guidelines for respectful, responsible behavior online that they are expected to follow offline. School guidance counselors shall abide by the American School Counselor Association Code of Ethics. Principal:Shea Taylor 1. This Steering Committee will jointly develop, with district staff, the district parental engagement plan. The prior academic and disciplinary record of the child; 4. 3. Textbook Pupil Use (ICFAAA, Selected Sections) If a student fails the screener, the parent or legal guardian will be notified of the results of the screener. In compliance with USDA regulations, RCSD adopted the following policies: Child Nutrition is a Federal Program. Parents and students are expected to abide by the Compulsory School Attendance Law. Shorts, skirts or culottes no more than 3 inches above the knee (height of an ID card). (b) At the time a student is assigned a locker or other storage space, he or she may be informed that school authorities are authorized by this policy and empowered to conduct random periodic inspections of school lockers and contents and that each student shall be responsible for the contents and held accountable for all content therefore, as students are not given exclusive privileges to use the property as such privilege is discretionary with the principal and may be revoked at any time with or without cause. Northwest Middle School (ms) / Homepage - Knox County Schools Keep head, hands, arms, legs, body and articles inside the bus. Each Activity Student shall be made aware of or given a copy of this policy and of the Student Drug Testing Consent Form, and the Extracurricular Student Random Drug Testing Withdrawal Form . Such record of access shall be available only to parents or eligible students, be the principal and his assistants who are responsible for the custody of such records and to persons or organizations authorized heretofore. Employee and student RCSD email is the property of RCSD. Shorts or skirts should end past your fingertips when your arms are resting at your sides. The student may be required to forfeituse of the device for the entire time it takes to charge it. However, if the students level of marijuana metabolites increases during this removal period, this finding is to reflect a second positive and the student is to be immediately placed in the Alternative School for two nine week periods. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta debido al estilo de pelo, por favor comunquese con un administrador. Admission requirements for the District shall be as follows: 1. 7th12th Si un estudiante llega tarde a la escuela, necesitar entrar por la oficina y recibir un pase a clase. 102 Winners Circle Special permission of the principal (obtained in ADVANCE IN PERSON BY THE PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN). Any kind of jacket/coat/cardigan is OK if it meets regular dress code rules, including: Trench coats are not allowed. Students and parents/legal guardians are hereby and will be provided notice of the district search policies via student handbook distributed to all students and by public adoption of this policy at a public school board meeting. Grades 4-12: A student has failed two (2) grades; 3. When a student is expelled for criminal behavior or activity, the Superintendent shall notify the parent/guardian/custodian, youth court, and law enforcement of such action, in writing. All aspects, circumstances and records of the students case shall be confidential and available only to authorized school officials dealing directly with the student or to the students parents, legal guardians or attorneys for the student or for the Board, or as directed by the court system or police department. Any parent of a student may give a written parental consent. The Board, believing that progress is the very foundation of education, recognizes the schools obligation to give private, periodic reports of a students progress to the parents. Clickherefor Spanish. The purpose of such inspections is not to collect evidence of wrong doing on the part of a single student without reasonable suspicion, but rather to allow school authorities responsible for the educational mission of the school, the opportunity to confirm that lockers are being used in a positive, safe, legal manner consistent with good school decorum and to promote the health, safety, and welfare of all students. Principal:Dr. Marcus Stewart Students with any missing work noted prior to the end of any grading period will be ineligible for exemption from taking exams. Parents should consult with their healthcare provider or a pharmacist to make sure treatment is appropriate for the student and for treatment recommendations. Principals or designee shall attempt to notify parents of misconduct of their child on school buses who shall cooperate with school officials in correcting the behavior problem(s) of the student, if the student wishes to continue to be provided transportation services. Dress Code NWLSD Dress Code The following dress code is board approved for all students. 5. intentionally injuring another person or acting in such a negligent or indifferent manner as to expose others to risk or danger of harm or injury. In an effort to protect the health and safety of students involved in extra-curricular activities from illegal and/or performance-enhancing drug use and abuse and to curtail the use of such drugs, thereby enhancing the health, safety and educational environment for all students, teachers, coaches and tax payers coming upon the premises, the Board of Education (the Board) of Rankin County School District (the District) adopts the following policy for random drug, steroid or alcohol testing of all students who participate in extra-curricular activities. The policy also supplements and complements all laws and policies with respect to special education students. 1. Legal Reference: MS Code 37-23-173 through 37-23-181; Mississippi Department of Education Gifted Program Regulations. Rankin County School District believes students must gain a sense of connection to the larger community in order to become prepared for responsible citizenship. Credit recovery is defined by the Mississippi Department of Education as a course-specific, skill-based learning opportunity for students who have previously been unsuccessful in mastering content/skills required to receive high school course credit. This allows students to select a minimum of three of the five meal components for their lunch and it must include a fruit or vegetable. If an official absence has been granted, the student must: 1. The hearing will be conducted in an informal and fair manner. Uniforms - Northwest Middle School - Indianapolis Public Schools Under no conditions should a RCSD network user give their password information to another user nor allow another user to utilize their account unless speaking directly to a technology department employee who is assisting them. If you believe any online information or functionality is currently inaccessible, contact Melissa Shawn, communications and web specialist at 817-215-0135 or This will include any online homework, lab fees, etc. Students with ringworm should not have to miss school. 4. LOCAL SCHOOL FUNCTIONS/GROUNDS: Students assigned to the Alternative Education Center are not allowed on local school grounds during their tenure at the alternative school assignment. 2. MS Code 41-79-21 states that any student in any public elementary or secondary school having head lice on more than three occurrences during the school year must be reported to the county health department for help treating lice. To be eligible for the valedictorian or salutatorian, the student should have started ninth grade during the same cohort year as the graduating class. Any Activity Student selected at random must give a urine specimen or other reasonable, customary and necessary specimens for testing as determined by the testing laboratory or school. The model consists of three tiers of instruction: Tier I Quality classroom instruction based on MS Curriculum Frameworks and district instructional initiatives, Tier III Intensive interventions specifically designed to meet the individual needs of students. Prior to any formal hearing, a case will be heard by the Disciplinary Determination Committee (DDC), as outlined in Section V. Appeals. 3. School related absence for official school sponsored activities will not count as an absence. The Minutes shall reflect the contributor, amount, and purpose for the donation, if any. Pros and cons of school dress code. English Learner, Immigrant, and Migrant Education, STEAM Extravaganza/District Art Fair & Summer Resource Fair, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Parents will be informed prior to destruction of the information and of their right to receive a copy of this information. Ph . In the event of an appeal to the board, the following procedures shall apply. Northwest Middle School - Greenville County School District The School Board is committed to fostering community partnerships that educate both students and parents about this important topic. To alert students with possible substance abuse problems to the potential harms that drug use poses for their physical, mental and emotional well-being. The District reserves the right to supplement and modify the extra-curricular activities to which the policy applies. Kindergarten1st As the rash grows outward, getting larger as the infection spreads, the center tends to clear. Parents, students and school personnel can be most effective in promoting safety and orderly conduct when they work together. Meals may be paid anytime 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 5970 Highway 25 The Rankin County School District believes accountability is a powerful tool to help students avoid using drugs and that early detection and intervention can save lives. Principal:Voncille Anderson There will be opportunities for students to be out of uniform. 6. using threats or intimidation against any other person. This requirement is consistent with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, which protects the privacy of student education records. Si los estudiantes estn por sus armarios durante el da escolar, la siguiente lista de consecuencias pueden suceder: Nivel 1: El estudiante recibir un aviso verbal. Students will normally progress annually from grade to grade. A student failed either of the preceding two grades and has been suspended or expelled for more than twenty (20) days in the current school year; OR. The high school transcript grade will be calculated according to RCSD policy. A student is promoted from Grade 3 to Grade 4 under a good cause exemption of the Literacy-Based Promotion Act. The Teacher Support Team will then schedule a meeting with the parent(s) regarding the students attendance. The cumulative folder shall be kept in the school wherein the student is in attendance. In Mississippi, monitoring occurs through both the annual English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT) and when students take mandated state assessments required of all students. It is the mission of the Board to provide an educational program that addresses the unique needs of gifted students by providing appropriate, qualitatively different options in addition to regular classroom instruction. First-hand information provided by reliable and credible sources of use, possession or intoxication; 5. Semester Examinations (IHAE) No eligible student will be placed in the gifted program until signed parent consent has been obtained. Uniform Guidelines - Northwest Academy of Health Sciences